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「個人-組織價值適配」理論(person-organization value congruence)強調個人對組織 文化的喜好如能與其所工作的組織文化吻合,則有利於個人的組織認同、工作滿意以及 工作表現。本研究基於這項理論假設,將研究觸角向前延伸,提出以國家與個人文化價 值觀以及職涯抱負作為形成個人對組織文化喜好的前置變數,並以日本、台灣、美國等 三個國家的資料做跨文化的實證研究。國家與個人文化價值觀在個人對每一個社會裡的 職涯機會與阻礙的看法的形成可能有極大的影響(Fouad & Byars-Winston, 2005),因此 而對自己的職涯會有不同的想法。這些想法會展示在他們的職涯抱負和對不同組織文化 的喜好。本研究選擇非常集體主義的日本和非常個人主義的美國來做比較,希望發掘比 較大的文化差距對職涯相關的概念所產生的變化。同時也會調查台灣在這三個變數的資 料型態並與日本、美國的資料做比較以發掘一些可能比較細微的文化差異。 本研究希望對國際企業管理領域做出以下貢獻:了解1) 日本、台灣、美國在職涯 抱負和對不同組織文化喜好這兩個變數的分佈型態,2) 不同的國家文化如何影響個人 選擇職涯目標,3) 不同的個人文化價值觀如何影響個人選擇職涯目標,4) 在個人文化 價值觀與國家文化有所衝突的情況下,對職涯相關變數產生的影響。
This study builds its foundation in the person-organization value congruence premises and attempts to explore the antecedents of employee preference in a cross-cultural research design. This researcher suspects that national and personal cultural values may have profound impact on how people perceive their career opportunities and barriers in a society (Fouad & Byars-Winston, 2005) and thus form different perspectives on their career. These perspectives are exhibited in their career aspiration and preference of organizational culture. Thus, this research proposes a cross-cultural investigation of the effect of cultural value both at the national and the personal level on people’s career aspiration and preference in organizational culture. Comparison will be made between two drastically different societies, Japan which is inherently collectivistic and the US which is inherently individualistic, to uncover major differences in national culture and how these differences result in the pattern of career-related conceptions in each society. An exploration of Taiwan’s standing on these research variables will also be included in relation to those of Japan and the US, to uncover some of the more subtle differences in culture. This research hopes to contribute to the field of international management by promoting an understanding of: 1) the general pattern of career aspiration and organizational culture preference in Japan, Taiwan and the US, 2) how national culture contributes to the way people in different society select their career goals in the workplace, 3) how personal value contributes to the way people in different society select their career goals in the workplace, and 4) the career-related consequences when personal values are in conflict with the national culture.







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