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本研究旨在探討大學生寂寞感、社會支持與幸福感間的關係,以及不同背景變項大學生在寂寞感、社會支持、幸福感上的差異情況。本研究採用問卷調查法,以國內568名大學生為研究對象,以「寂寞量表」、「社會支持量表」、「幸福感量表」為研究工具,將所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析法、積差相關分析法、多元迴歸分析法等統計方法進行分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、性別差異中,女大學生的社會支持顯著高於男大學生。年級差異中, 一年級大學生在社會支持、幸福感上顯著高於四年級大學生。另外, 大學生會因為居住情形之不同,在寂寞感、社會支持、幸福感上有顯 著差異。 二、寂寞感與社會支持的各層面間皆有顯著負相關。社會支持與寂寞感間 有顯著負相關;社會支持與幸福感間則為顯著正相關。 三、在寂寞感的預測分析中,不同來源社會支持可以有效預測寂寞感,朋 友支持、師長支持、家人支持三者皆可以負向預測寂寞感,其中以朋 友支持的預測力最高。不同類型社會支持亦可以預測寂寞感,其中情 緒性支持、工具性支持的預測力達顯著水準,二者中又以情緒性支持 的預測力較高。 四、在幸福感的預測分析中,寂寞感、不同來源社會支持可以預測幸福 感,有預測力之因子依序為寂寞感、 朋友支持、家人支持。除此之外,寂寞感、不同類型社會支持亦可以預測幸福感,有預測力之因子依序為寂寞感、情緒性支持、訊息性支持。 五、社會支持可以部分中介寂寞感與幸福感。 最後,依據本研究之結果,提出相關建議供未來研究者參考。
  The purpose of this study aimed at investigating the relationships among loneliness, social support, and happiness on college students, as well as students’ gender, grade, and living arrangement differences in these variables. A sample of 568 college students in Taiwan completed a questionnaire consisting of self-report measures of loneliness, social support, and happiness. The data collected was then analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The main results were as follows: (1) Female college students reported higher levels of social support than male students. For grade differences, social support and happiness were higher in freshmen than in seniors. Still, there were significant living arrangement differences in loneliness, social support, and happiness. (2) For the correlation analysis, loneliness was negatively associated with social support and happiness, whereas social support was positively correlated with happiness. (3) In predicting loneliness, social support from different sources predicted loneliness significantly. Friend support, family support, and teacher support were all predictors of loneliness, and friend support served as the strongest predictor. For different types of social support, emotional support and instrumental support negatively predicted loneliness, while the former was the stronger predictor. (4) In predicting happiness, loneliness, friend support, family support, emotional support, and informational support were all significant predictors. Among these variables, loneliness was the strongest predictor. (5) In addition, social support acted as a partial mediator between loneliness and happiness. In the last, some suggestions for future researchers were given based on the results of this study.



社會支持, 幸福感, 寂寞感, happiness, loneliness, social support

