Animation scenes, which not only expresses the place and time of animation but also conveys the theme of the story easier by kinds of techniques and styles, which can be used to represent animation scene and create the atmosphere and feelings, usually plays an important role of description in animation. And one of methods for animation scene is overlapping several layers from the front to rear to make a multi-scene. Owing to this kind of technique can make the plane space originally reinforce its outline, improving the extensity and perspective of animation, it has been widely used in variety forms of animation. Nowadays, the usage of digitalization even make it more progressive. This paper focuses on the drafting of multi-scene and applies the research conclusion interactively to the practice of works, for supporting the proceeding of the story and overall style; make it have additional effects.
Animation scenes, which not only expresses the place and time of animation but also conveys the theme of the story easier by kinds of techniques and styles, which can be used to represent animation scene and create the atmosphere and feelings, usually plays an important role of description in animation. And one of methods for animation scene is overlapping several layers from the front to rear to make a multi-scene. Owing to this kind of technique can make the plane space originally reinforce its outline, improving the extensity and perspective of animation, it has been widely used in variety forms of animation. Nowadays, the usage of digitalization even make it more progressive. This paper focuses on the drafting of multi-scene and applies the research conclusion interactively to the practice of works, for supporting the proceeding of the story and overall style; make it have additional effects.
多層, 動畫, 場景, Multi-scenes, Multi-layers, Animation, Scenes