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1. 美術館內策展模式會因為展覽模式差異而進行調整
2. 展覽目標設定、展示內容數位化與網頁設計為網路策展之規劃重點
3. 以藝術家創作內容與特質作為主題發展主軸
4. 強調藝術家作品屬性特色以結合跨領域產業
5. 發揮藝術家作品特質之相似性以串連主題內容
In recent years, the government promotes the Digital Archives Program of cultural assets strongly. In addition to cultural institutions such as museums or art galleries are setting up websites, also led to the private museums, studios, arts and cultural groups as well as art creators have joined the government plan. As the Art Gallery and Museum, the value is that it contains a wealth of human wisdom, science development and social and cultural assets are different from formal educational institutions. The current skills upgrading of digital archives, web site popularity and cultural content so that these can be constructed by museum Web site can build and more flexible preservation, interpretation, management and value-added extension In addition, the paper is to study Professor Chen Jing-jung Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University professor emeritus of art results have been outstanding, dedicated to education and arts to heritage duty, in the arts occupy an important position. His professional talents, efforts to promote the footsteps of the enthusiasm and contributions to Arts and Humanities, everyone deserves respect and recognition. Purpose of this study is to preserve, extending Professor Chen Jing-jung’s creations, use of the variety and rich content, through the Subject-based concept planning integrated network exhibition content. Research assessment by expert interviews the feasibility of Subject-based Network Planning Exhibition(SBE)processes, and finally propose the use of developing the contents by the SBE concept planning, try to combine the arts of diverse cross-industry theme of industrial development and to explore the themes between it may have relevance. Results in addition to characteristics developed by Chen Jing-jung creations show Internet content as an example, the following five collections for the use of existing content for online exhibition of planning proposals provide researchers. (1) Museum planning exhibition process change within difference of exhibition mode. (2) Network planning exhibition focuses on goal setting、digital content and web design. (3) The development of Subject based on the content and special characteristics of artist creations. (4) Combining cross-industry based on the properties of artist creations. (5) Connecting different subjects based on similarity of the artist creations.
In recent years, the government promotes the Digital Archives Program of cultural assets strongly. In addition to cultural institutions such as museums or art galleries are setting up websites, also led to the private museums, studios, arts and cultural groups as well as art creators have joined the government plan. As the Art Gallery and Museum, the value is that it contains a wealth of human wisdom, science development and social and cultural assets are different from formal educational institutions. The current skills upgrading of digital archives, web site popularity and cultural content so that these can be constructed by museum Web site can build and more flexible preservation, interpretation, management and value-added extension In addition, the paper is to study Professor Chen Jing-jung Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University professor emeritus of art results have been outstanding, dedicated to education and arts to heritage duty, in the arts occupy an important position. His professional talents, efforts to promote the footsteps of the enthusiasm and contributions to Arts and Humanities, everyone deserves respect and recognition. Purpose of this study is to preserve, extending Professor Chen Jing-jung’s creations, use of the variety and rich content, through the Subject-based concept planning integrated network exhibition content. Research assessment by expert interviews the feasibility of Subject-based Network Planning Exhibition(SBE)processes, and finally propose the use of developing the contents by the SBE concept planning, try to combine the arts of diverse cross-industry theme of industrial development and to explore the themes between it may have relevance. Results in addition to characteristics developed by Chen Jing-jung creations show Internet content as an example, the following five collections for the use of existing content for online exhibition of planning proposals provide researchers. (1) Museum planning exhibition process change within difference of exhibition mode. (2) Network planning exhibition focuses on goal setting、digital content and web design. (3) The development of Subject based on the content and special characteristics of artist creations. (4) Combining cross-industry based on the properties of artist creations. (5) Connecting different subjects based on similarity of the artist creations.
網路策展, 數位美術館, 數位典藏, 數位內容, Network Planning Exhibition, Digital Museum, Digital Archives, Digital Content