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知識管理涉及個人與組織對知識的認知程度及促動因素是否成熟來決定其效能,否則不易達到應有的成效。夲研究係以人性需求與關懷來檢視個人或組織對知識管理機制的建立,藉以強化對知識的認知及促動因素的理解與運用。 知識管理概以個人(或組織)、ICT(資訊與通訊技術)與資訊(包涵事件、資料、知識及智慧)及分享作為組成要件,用以建置可以溝通互動的平台;提供我們共同經歷與分享知識的空間或場域。 推動知識管理不只是引進 一種新技術或新觀念。更重要的組成要素是『人』,為我們建造一個能共同分享資訊的環境與場域。 研究發現,馬斯洛(Maslow)強調人類動機的階層性關係,提出生理、安全、社會、自我認同、及自我實現等五種需求。而另有 SYED V.AHAMED 則在五種需求上又架構了另外的兩層需求,即第六層「尋解」的需求(the need to search)與第七層「歸真」的需求(the need to unify)。 本研究提出生存、生活及生命發展三種層次需求用以説明我們動機的形成與關係,方便對應我們日常所提起的身、心、靈,以及靈、魂、體的説法與觀念;用來檢視與説明知識管理的需求是否正當、明確,進而對相關系統的開發、建置與維運,就其可行性分析具有正面與積極的意義。 本研究認為知識可以分解為要甚麼(know what)、如何能達到(know how)以及為甚麼要(know why);管理可以視為以有限的資源(包括時間、經費、技術、人力、物力以及相關環境因素的限制)完成目標的過程與方法。管理除了為解決現存的問題或完成階段性的目標外,更重要的是必需把握永續經營的原則;不會對長期的目標或願景留下後遺症,產生更難以解決的新問題。 知識管理可以視為人、技術、資訊與分享等四個要件的組成,從知識的循環過程無論是外顯或內隱,其主體乃是在於人(或組織)對知識管理的認知、互動與分享,而主要關鍵就是學習。 或言有生而知之、學而知之及困而知之者,但是在知識的取得或供應,於人而言其過程亦就是學習。個人的學習其重點是引發動機,即與人的需求發生直接的關係,其目的為了增進知識能力或為了分享互動的樂趣;而組織的學習或進行知識管理,其重點是組織學習環境的養成與建造,這需要領導者的見識、胸襟與時間。 領導者要如何帶引組織:是以傳統的獨裁型,以命令指揮控制組織的運作,或以階層式組織方式,遵循命令管道,層層過濾;還是要成為學習型組織,帶領組織成員能對自己的知識增長負責,亦或是更進一步願意成為教學型組識,能讓組織成員人人樂意教導他人,貢獻己力於組織;產生組織內的知識創造,以保障組織的永續的發展。
The effectiveness of knowledge management depends on how matured it is to involve an individual or organization’s degree of awareness of cognitive and interactive factor. Otherwise, it won’t be easy to achieve satisfactory results. The study shows, by human needs and cares, how an individual or organization might help to build the mechanism of knowledge management to derive a better understanding and using of an individual or organization’s degree of awareness of cognitive and interactive factor. Knowledge management incorporates an individual or organization, ICT(information and communization technology), information(including event, data, knowledge and wisdom), and sharing as its components to build a platform for communication and interaction and provides people with a common ground to share experiences and knowledge. To promote knowledge management is not just to introduce a new idea or technology. The more important factor is “people” who will build a common ground to share experiences and knowledge. One study by Syed V. Ahamed shows, while Maslow’s hierarchical structure of needs depicts human needs in five levels, i.e. physical, security, social, ego, and self actualization, there are yet two other levels, search and unify, beyond those five levels. The study promotes the idea of survival, living, and life development to explain how motives come into being and to explore theory of physical, mental, and spiritual fields, as well as spirit, soul, and body. These will help examine the authenticity and certainty of knowledge management. It then will be meaningful and positive to develop a related system. The study assumes that knowledge can be viewed from three aspects, “know what”, “know how”, and “know why” and management is to utilize limited resources (time, money, technology, manpower and environment) to achieve the goal. KM is composed of man, technology, information, and sharing. During the process knowledge lifecycle, be it explicit or implicit, the main character is man(or organization) who has a sound concept of KM in cognition, interaction, and sharing. The key is learning. To gain knowledge from learning, one must be motivated to learn. Thus a good leader in an organization must know what will motivate and how to motivate his colleagues. Traditionally, there are several types of leadership:dictatorship, command and control, hierarchical. A leader may choose one of these, or form a learning organization, to lead members of the organization to assume their responsibility of knowledge growth, and better yet to become a teaching organization perpetuating the growth of the organization.



知識管理, 專案管理, 知識創造, 組織學習, Knowledge Management, Project Management, Knowledge Creation, Organization Learning





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