
dc.contributor.authorLu, Ting-Tingen_US
dc.description.abstract老街,見證城市歷史之所在!本論文研究意圖以立體卡片創作來記錄生硬傳統的老街建築,為逐漸被忽略的三峽老街做一番新的詮釋。戰後台灣不斷追求都市化的結果,傳統建築、市集、街廓、鐵道,因商業開展、都市更新與再造,促使那矗立數十載又滿佈歷史刻痕的城牆,隨著時光推移演變,逐一拆除、倒塌,一連串的增建、重建、改建,街廓逐漸更新,市容接二連三的轉變,隨那象徵歷史記憶的「古厝」不斷從眼前被抹去,人們對當時歷史記憶的紋理也逐漸消逝。筆者期望透過軟性的卡片設計感染力,吸引外來者對舊時代人文、老建築背景、老社會樣貌,有更深層的探索意願。本研究主要探討三峽老街建築應用於立體卡片之設計創作,透過文獻分析老街之建築組構進行整合;拆解其建築立面樑柱、門窗,加上商家、攤販、人車等人文元素解構重整,藉由立面層次來詮釋三峽樣貌之內在文化意涵,加深民眾對老街建築的概念。此外,卡片立體化所營造的氛圍感染力和趣味性,也為商品文化加值帶來革新樣貌。在設計實務操作上,針對新北市三峽民權街區共計103棟建築做實地勘查並拍攝紀錄,內容包含街景環境、建築外觀、騎樓介面以圖面影像處理成為創作基底,輔以整體街景元素如:街道地圖、攤販商家、人車家具,將文化元素的「虛」萃取、提煉、圖面結構的分析轉化成商品的「實」,逐步將所蒐集整合的素材組構成品。研究內文歸納出立體卡片創作研究以下結論: (一) 任何題材都可重新組構創作,特別枯燥平淡、複雜繁瑣之物件可以圖像藝術透過視覺立體化手法呈現引起關注。 (二) 立體構成形式多元、媒材多樣,老街建築題材以立體卡片為創作媒材透過紙結構作層次上的拆解、組構,人文環境的重新詮釋,免流於傳統。 (三) 透過視覺圖像的感染力;設計者可不侷限既有形式,甚至媒合現況題材及相關元素、圖像、背景、文化,以符合創作初衷。 (四) 即使是創作也應以知識作基底,過程中透過文獻探討,在創作中帶入文化意涵,實地勘察及分析,則可釐清各專業領域間屬性、特徵與異同,方能在設計創作上執行得更扎實穩固。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractStreet, witness the history of the city! The purpose of this paper is to create a new interpretation of the Sanshia Old Street, which is gradually neglected, by the creation of three-dimensional cards. After the war, Taiwan began to pursue the results of urbanization, traditional architecture, market, street, railway, due to commercial development, urban renewal and recycling, to promote that dozens of full of historical scoring of the walls, with the passage of time , One by one demolition, collapse, a series of additional construction, reconstruction, alteration, street gradually updated, the city after two successive changes, with the symbol of historical memory of the "ancient house" constantly erased from the front, people on the history of memory texture Gradually fade away. I hope that through the soft card design appeal, to attract outsiders to the old times of humanities, old architectural background, the old social appearance, there is a deeper exploration of the will. This study mainly discusses the design and application of the Sanshia Old Street building in the design of three-dimensional card, through the literature analysis of the architectural structure of the street to integrate; dismantling its building facades, doors and windows, plus businessmen, vendors, car and other human elements Deconstruction and reorganization, through the elevation level to interpret the inner cultural connotation of the Sanshia, deepen the concept of the people on the street building. In addition, the three-dimensional card created by the atmosphere of appeal and fun, but also for the value of goods culture to bring innovation. In the design practice, for the new North City, the Sanshia Civilization Street, a total of 103 buildings to do field investigation and shooting records, including the street environment, architectural appearance, arcade interface to image processing as a creative base, supplemented by the overall street elements such as: street Map, street vendors, car furniture, cultural elements of the "virtual" extraction, refining, graphic structure of the analysis into the commodity "real", and gradually collect the integration of the material composition of the finished product. The study summarizes the following three conclusions: (A) any subject matter can be re-organization creation, especially boring dull, complex and cumbersome objects can be visual art through the visual three-dimensional approach to cause concern. (B) three-dimensional form of multiple, medium and diverse, old street building theme to three-dimensional card for the creation of media through the paper structure for the dismantling, structure, cultural environment re-interpretation, free from tradition. (C) through the visual image of the appeal; the designer can not limit the existing form, and even media present situation theme and related elements, images, background, culture, in line with the original intention of creation. (4) Even if the creation should be based on knowledge, the process through the literature, in the creation of cultural meaning, field investigation and analysis, you can clarify the various areas of expertise, characteristics and similarities and differences in order to design The creation of a more solid and solid.en_US
dc.subjectOld Streeten_US
dc.subjectStreet Houseen_US
dc.subjectcultural valueen_US
dc.subjectpop-up carden_US
dc.titleThe creation and research of traditional shop house in Sanshia -The Subject:Pop-up Carden_US

