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本研究之背景與動機源於國內外對於文化觀光的日趨重視,以及我國近年來積極吸 引國際旅客來台旅遊之政策方針。有鑒於目的地意象於旅遊決策中扮演重要角色,若能 深入研究國際旅客對於我國文化觀光目的地之意象,將對文化觀光之規劃與行銷、提升 國際觀光發展帶來明顯助益。因此,本計劃旨在建構衡量文化觀光目的地意象之量表, 並以來台之國際旅客作為研究對象,進行市場區隔分析。 計畫第一階段之目地在於以文獻歸納法、內容分析法、開放式問卷調查和焦點團體 法等非結構式途徑,建構完整之文化觀光目的地意象量表。計畫之第二階段則將基於第 一階段之研究成果,針對來台之國際旅客進行問卷調查,以期探究社會人口統計因素、 旅遊動機、體驗深度、旅遊經驗與資訊來源等對於旅客意象之影響。並以目的地意象為 基礎,針對文化觀光市場進行區隔分析,並闡明不同區隔市場之特性。 最後,本研究之學術貢獻,可由研究主題和研究方法之創新來說明。首先,迄今國 內外尚無結合文化觀光與目的地意象兩大主題之研究。其次,融合非結構式與結構式衡 量途徑乃為目的地意象研究之新趨勢,但鮮有研究將旅客之認知意象和旅遊資訊之投射 意象相結合,用以建構意象量表。此一完整之目的地意象衡量途徑將可作為爾後相關實 證研究之參考。
The motivation of this research derives from the increasing importance of cultural tourism all over the world, as well as the intention of Taiwanese Government to attract international tourists. Considering the critical role of destination image in travelling decision making, it is important to investigate the images held by international tourists towards the cultural tourism destinations in Taiwan. The outcome of this project will contribute to the planning and marketing of cultural tourism, and the promotion of international tourism in Taiwan. This research aims at developing a comprehensive model used to measure the destination image of cultural tourism, and to segment the cultural tourism market based on the perceived images. At the first stage, a series of unstructured approaches, including literature review, content analysis, open-ended questionnaire and focus group, will be applied to construct the measure of destination image. Based on the measure developed, the aim of the second stage is to conduct a large-scale international tourist survey. The data collected will then be used to investigate the influencing factors of image formation, including socio-demographic factors, motivations, experiences sought and information sources. Then the images will be also used as variables to segment the cultural tourism market, and the features of each segment will be illustrated as well. Finally, the academic contributions of this research can be demonstrated by the originalities of the research topic and the methodology adopted. First, it is the first research trying to link the two research issues –cultural tourism and destination image. Second, the combination of structured and unstructured approaches is a new trend in destination image research. However, seldom research has been done to consider both the image perceived by the tourists and the image projected by travelling information while constructing the measure of destination image. The methodology adopted by this project provides therefore a base for future empirical research.
The motivation of this research derives from the increasing importance of cultural tourism all over the world, as well as the intention of Taiwanese Government to attract international tourists. Considering the critical role of destination image in travelling decision making, it is important to investigate the images held by international tourists towards the cultural tourism destinations in Taiwan. The outcome of this project will contribute to the planning and marketing of cultural tourism, and the promotion of international tourism in Taiwan. This research aims at developing a comprehensive model used to measure the destination image of cultural tourism, and to segment the cultural tourism market based on the perceived images. At the first stage, a series of unstructured approaches, including literature review, content analysis, open-ended questionnaire and focus group, will be applied to construct the measure of destination image. Based on the measure developed, the aim of the second stage is to conduct a large-scale international tourist survey. The data collected will then be used to investigate the influencing factors of image formation, including socio-demographic factors, motivations, experiences sought and information sources. Then the images will be also used as variables to segment the cultural tourism market, and the features of each segment will be illustrated as well. Finally, the academic contributions of this research can be demonstrated by the originalities of the research topic and the methodology adopted. First, it is the first research trying to link the two research issues –cultural tourism and destination image. Second, the combination of structured and unstructured approaches is a new trend in destination image research. However, seldom research has been done to consider both the image perceived by the tourists and the image projected by travelling information while constructing the measure of destination image. The methodology adopted by this project provides therefore a base for future empirical research.