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Item 全球流動時代下文化公民身份之展演政治(臺北市:中研院亞太出版社, 2009-01-01) 賴嘉玲Item 藝文理論策展作為公共性知識份子行動(2013/1/05-06) 賴嘉玲Item 「收拾行囊」,安心上路:從旅者行李打包的戰略談流動社會中日常生活政治的實踐(臺北市:中研院亞太出版社, 2011-01-01) 賴嘉玲Item 全球冷戰結構下博物館場域中的離散博物館: 台北故宮博物院(1950-1980s)(2007-11-25) 賴嘉玲Item Follow me into the temple of art: on the multiple performance of museum guide practices(2009-09-05) Lai, Chia-LingCurrent studies on art and museums, paying little attention on the long lasting but recently transformed practices of multiple museum guide services' from panel introductions, guidebooks, personal guides to the audio-visual guides, fail to explore how the significant intermediate dimensions intervene not only the museum installation but also its consumption and reception. This research analyses the historical development of guidebooks to its current technological form performed by audio guides, due to the social trends embodied in multiplication of senses, human and non-human hybridisation, time-space flexibility and cultural industrialisation; and also its multiple uses by different visitors, considering the speed of the visit, human and non-human relationship as well as visitor's capital accessible to the exhibition based on one current case study. Drawing upon Actor-Network Theory, Bourdieu's theory of practice and Urry's theory of multiple mobilities, this study concerns how guide services perform as the tool of regulation when providing freedom and individualised mobile options. Based on "Splendor of the Baroque and Beyond: Great Habsburg Collectors- Masterpieces from the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna" exhibition held in the National Palace Museum in Taipei in 2007-8, this research not only explores the production of museum's multiple guide services by interviews and discourse analyses of guides concerning the tempo, sound and the control of references, but also how different visitors appropriate various guide services based on in-depth interviews and fieldwork in the museum.Item ‘Art Mobs’ in the museums: theorising the mobile performance of museums’ audio guides(2007-09-06) Lai, Chia-lingItem Linking art and creativity through the museum souvenirs(2011/9/07-10) Lai, Chia-lingItem Performing environmental future through the global event: analyzing the sustainable cosmopolitan vision in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo(2010-07-24) Lai, Chia-lingAs an emergent global event, World Expo not only performs globality and cosmopolitanism under the competing international framework, but could also provide the creative new visions that dramatically transform the society on the global scale. This paper analyzes how the sustainable future of cities has been creatively imagined and performed by the competing national and corporate pavilions in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It first deals with the convergent power of the World Expo in providing cosmopolitan vision in the context of Shanghai as an Asian city. Then, it discusses the dilemma of representation between nationalism and globalization in the contemporary World Expo, especially when new technology is highly involved into the design to perform global issue of sustainability. The environmental future will then be imagined through the forms that are national cultures related, city culture oriented, materiality realized and new technology engaged. Multiple senses involved sustainable future represented in the World Expo as the general exhibition will also be discussed. Finally, this paper will examine how the created affection has been performed in the World Expo, considering different audiences’ reflexive reactions towards the spectacle environmental imagination.Item 以跨界創發再造創意英國:從博物館的文化奧運相關展覽與奧運殘奧開閉幕式談起(2012/11/01-02) 賴嘉玲Item The Story of Audio guide: theorising the mobile future of museums’ audio guides performed in the cities(2007-09-07) Lai, Chia-LingItem 當流動科技闖入博物館藝術殿堂: 從博物館視聽導覽談科技對藝文消費的介入(2009-11-28) 賴嘉玲Item 博物館的藝術流動族: 理論化博物館視聽導覽的流動展演(2008-01-06) 賴嘉玲Item Performing museums with mobile technology ― a story of museums’ audio guides(2008-08-23) Lai, Chia-LingItem Theorising the mobile performance of museums’ audio guides in Ubiquitous Media: Asian Transformations(2007-07-16) Lai, Chia-lingItem Packing the World Expo as Tourists' Global-Mega Event: Analyzing the media and package tour as the intermediate mechanism of tourist attraction-making(2011-02-20) Lai, Chia-lingMega-events, such as World expos, have received new academic attentions in tourism studies. However, current research emphasis more on the host city’s space transformation and its attraction-making, than on its temporal effects and intermediated mechanisms engaged through media and package tour in attracting visitors. Based on the current debates on the World expos as global mega-events, this research thus analyzes how a global event performs its social impact through the ‘temporal intensified’ tourist attraction-making, by analyzing the attractions made by multiple media coverage and package tour designs. On the one hand, the multiple media coverage not only emphasizes on the spatial and spectacle of the world expo, but also concerns the delicate temporal sequences of reportage. On the other, the general media representation and the design of package tours all surround the selection and organizing the destination within limited visiting time, which create specific ‘temporal intensified’ experience for visitors. Taking the 2010 Shanghai World Expo as the case study, this research emphasizes on its attraction-making that target at visitors in Taiwan. On the one hand, it will firstly analyzes how the Shanghai World Expo has been made a tourist attraction for visitors in Taiwan, from the general media representation, package tours’ itinerary designs in Taiwan. The selection of sites, the suggestion of visiting times and routes, as well as the emphasis of touring cultural contacts, will be the focus of analysis. On the other hand, it will analyze the tourists’ practices and reflexive thinking about the Expo ‘s attraction-making through the media and the package tour design, by in-depth interviews with different tourists according to their social categories and travel types.Item Text, Metatext and Figure in Liu Xie's Wen xin diao long: Reading the ‘Xuzhi’chapter.(2008-11-27) Dinu LucaItem On Form and Deformity.(1998-05-01) Dinu LucaItem How to Be a Good Communist (The Short Consumer Version).(2006-05-08) Dinu Luca