溫哥華台灣移民青少年的自我身分認同 與生活空間形塑研究

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許多台灣人移民到溫哥華,是為了讓孩子能夠受到西方的教育並且追求更好的生活品質,因此而移民到溫哥華。過去許多研究大多以成年人的移民作為研究對象,來討論移民者的工作、適應能力、選擇居住地點等問題。 本研究將研究對象的年齡,設在「青少年」的階段,來探討台灣的青少年在溫哥華,是如同認同自己與瞭解自己生活空間。在研究的抽樣上,採用了滾雪球的方式,選擇了30位移民到加拿大最少五年以上的台灣移民青少年作為訪談對象,他們的年齡設定在15到25歲之間。透過深度訪談以及參與觀察的方式,來探討溫哥華的台灣青少年對自我的認同問題與生活空間是如何建構與形塑。在研究過程中,使用「結構化理論」,並且加上「時間地理學」等幾項觀點,去進一步分析青少年在溫哥華的生活空間,以及靠著那些因素去影響他們的自我認同。 研究發現,台灣青少年在溫哥華對於他們個人身分認主要是來自於他們的校園生活、課後的活動、周末出遊選擇的地方、其他常與朋友聚會的場所,以及家庭。父母在保留傳統台灣文化灌輸的力量、平時要求與期待,是影響他們自我認同的重要因素。另外,台灣青少年在溫哥華的生活空間像是校園或是其他他們偏好喜愛的公共以及私人場所,在特定的空間與人產生情感時,也成為影響他們對身分認同的主要來源。因此台灣移民到加拿大的青少年在生活中塑造出的認同分來自於個人生活與社會關係以及個人生活空間形塑。
Many Taiwanese people wanted their life more focused on quality and living condition; or they wanted their children accept western style of education, therefore immigrating to Vancouver starting from the 1990’s has had become a trend of fashion in Taiwan. Many studies about Taiwanese immigration in Vancouver in the past are mostly focused on adult immigrants and their ability of skills and adaptations while moving into a new land. Therefore, in order to find a study that is fresh and creative, Taiwanese teenagers in Vancouver have become this research’s main focus group, while investigate their self-identity and their daily life spatial. In this case of study, there was thirty Taiwanese teenagers sample of interviews that are from the age of fifteen to twenty five and they have to be immigrated to Vancouver at least 5 years. Chatting and observing Taiwanese teenagers about how they identify themselves living in Canada, and how their daily life spatial is created moreover, to also find out the influential. In the process of this study, structuration theory and time geography have become the two main theories to support the thesis of this study. This study concludes with the fact that, Taiwanese teenager’s school life, afterschool activities, hanging out during the weekends, and the places they choose to go in a daily life basis is the main influence that decides their self-identity.



地方認同, 生活空間, 青少年, 溫哥華, self-identity, place identity, teenagers, space of daily life, Vancouver





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