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本研究旨在探討影響高級中學學生學業能力的學校因素,為達成研究目的,本研究以文件分析法就「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)公共使用版第一波釋出之高中/高職樣本的學生和家長問卷,進行資料之分析與探討,據以了解高級中學學校因素與學生學業能力之關連情形。 TEPS資料庫之樣本為2001年全國高級中學二年級的學生,有效樣本數共為5,940人,本研究所得資料以描述統計、t考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、積差相關(Pearson Product-moment correlation)與逐步多元迴歸(Multiple stepwise regression)等,進行分析與討論。 依據文獻探討與文件分析分析結果,本研究獲致下述結論: 壹、高級中學學生對學校因素普遍感到滿意。 貳、高級中學女生對學校因素看法優於男生。 參、公立高級中學有較佳的學校因素。 肆、高級中學學生對學校因素知覺不因家庭社經地位而有不同。 伍、高級中學男生學業能力高於女生。 陸、不同地區及類別之高級中學學生學業能力有所差異。 柒、高級中學學生學業能力未因家庭社經背景而有不同。 捌、高級中學學校因素與學生學業能力呈現正相關。 玖、高級中學學校因素可預測學生學業能力但解釋力有限。 本研究根據結論,分別對教育行政機關、教育人員及未來研究,提出建議以供參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relation between school factors and senior high school students’ academic ability. In order to answer the research questions, the study used the documentary analysis method to collect the pertinent data. The target data base was Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), adopted questionnaires from wave I of the public version, filled out by one selected group of senior high/ vocational school students and their parents. The subjects of the TEPS are the whole sampling students in the second year of senior high of the nation in 2001. The number of effective samples was 5,940. The acquired data was analyzed by statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple stepwise regression, etc. According to literature review and the empirical analysis results, some conclusions were listed as follows: 1. The high school students were satisfied with school factors. 2. Compared with the male students, the female students gave higher ranking on school factors. 3. Public senior high schools were superior to the private ones in terms of school factors. 4. The students’ perception of school factors didn’t have significant difference by their socioeconomic status. 5. Academic ability of male students was better than that of female students. 6. There was a difference among the academic ability of students in diverse regions. 7. The high school students’ academic ability was similar in terms of the socioeconomic status. 8. High school factors and students’ academic ability were positively correlated. 9. High school factors was a limited predictor to students’ academic ability. Based on the research conclusion, some suggestions were offered to the educational authorities, senior high school educators and further researchers respectively.



台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫, 高中生, 學校因素, 學業能力, Taiwan Education Panel Survey(TEPS), senior high school student, school factors, academic ability





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