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  本論文以日治時期臺灣艋舺新文學作家「朱石峰」(筆名:朱點人1903~1951)的文學作品為思考起點,所關注的是:朱點人如何藉由語言敞開一個可視與可述的問題區域,呈現小說中的「現代性」與「殖民性」議題?他如何將日治時期的殖民書寫表象為主體,創造了那些歷史性價值?朱點人反對「鄉土文學」、「臺灣話文」的提倡,既然堅持以中國白話文寫作,為何作品又夾雜著為數不少的臺灣話文?作為殖民地的知識份子,他的祖國意象如何?228事變之後,朱點人的「祖國認同」有否轉化?朱點人如何透過「我說」的過程,敘述遠離的自身?   本文藉由原始文獻;當代的報章、雜誌作為取材來源,以及對於艋舺地區之龍山寺、剝皮寮進行田野調查所得為思考軸線,配合內與外,及其延異展開各章的主題。第二章敘述朱點人的生平,分求學成長時期、文學創作期、社會運動期敘述,以助於暸解一位傑出時代作家的形象。第三章歸納朱點人的作品,由初期藝術性浪漫描寫、中期反封建批判、後期反殖民社會運動期,依時間論述其發表作品歷程。第四章討論朱點人與新舊文學論爭,以朱點人參與語文形式的論爭以及與舊詩人代表道德論辯,分別加以探究。   被譽為創作界的「麒麟兒」,有別於一般的寫實主義描述的手法,仿莫泊桑的人物描繪技巧,成就作品更具藝術性價值;透過歷時性的分析,朱點人作品中隱含台灣意象的深層意識,得以更真實性的呈現當時的社會風貌。重新翻閱朱點人的文學創作,即是本論文藉朱點人的小說所進行的一次思考性的嘗試。
  The primary purpose of the thesis is to investigate how does Chu present “modernity” and “colonial” in his novels? What are historical values of novels created by Chu? Why are there some Taiwanese sentences in his pieces although Chu opposed to advocate “native literature and Taiwanese” and insisted on writing in Chinese? As an intellectual in the colony, what’s Chu’s image of the homeland?   Chapters in this thesis based on original documents such as newspapers and magazines and field researches in Longshan temple. Chapter 2 we introduce Chu’s entire life in three periods. Chapter 3 we sum up Chu’s works in the sequence of time. Chapter 4 we discuss the Taiwanese literature movement and examine debates in which Chu was involved with old poets about morality and forms of literature.   Chu, known as “the son of the unicorn”, It makes Chu’s pieces more artistic by emulating Maupassant’s techniques in portrayals which differ from other realistic descriptions. Through researches and diachronic analyses of Chu’s works, there is deep consciousness of Taiwan identity in his productions implicitly which can much truly present appearances of the society. By browsing Chu’s brilliant pieces, there is no doubt that people living in Taiwan will feel deeply touched and inspired.



朱點人, 秋信, 現代性, 殖民性, 台灣文學, Chu, Tien-Jen, An Autumn Letter, Modernity, Colonial, Taiwanese Literature





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