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此篇研究中,我們發展一套平衡式光學同調干涉儀並且結合快速掃描光學延遲線(RSOD)和馬赫-詹德干涉儀(Mach-Zehnder interferometer)來產生相位資訊。利用相位解析OCT (phase-resolved OCT)成功的展現奈米尺度的微小相位差異影像,這是以往傳統強度式的OCT所無法偵測到的。相位靈敏度的表現在相位解析OCT中是一個很重要的因素,相位的飄動可能是因為開放式空間環境擾動所造成的,當我們結合共路徑架構和平衡式偵測系統,共同的雜訊就可被減掉,並且改善相位靈敏度。
In this research, we have developed a balanced optical low coherence interferometer to yield phase information by incorporating the rapid-scanning optical delay lines (RSOD) into a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We have shown that small optical path differences with nanometer scale, which are invisible in conventional intensity-based OCT image, can be successfully imaged by phase-resolved OCT. The phase sensitivity is an important performance factor in phase-resolved OCT. The phase drift caused by environmental disturbance is due to the free-space system configuration. When we combined common-path configuration and balanced detection system, the common noise was canceled and the phase sensitivity can be improved.
In this research, we have developed a balanced optical low coherence interferometer to yield phase information by incorporating the rapid-scanning optical delay lines (RSOD) into a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We have shown that small optical path differences with nanometer scale, which are invisible in conventional intensity-based OCT image, can be successfully imaged by phase-resolved OCT. The phase sensitivity is an important performance factor in phase-resolved OCT. The phase drift caused by environmental disturbance is due to the free-space system configuration. When we combined common-path configuration and balanced detection system, the common noise was canceled and the phase sensitivity can be improved.
快速掃瞄式光學延遲線, 相位, OCT, RSOD, phase