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本研究旨在探討我國普通型高中公民與社會科教師對於十二年國民基本教育社會領域經濟教育課程綱要的重要性排序,以提供未來我國中學經濟教育發展的參考。根據研究目的及問題,透過文獻探討分析經濟教育的意涵與相關實證研究、我國高中經濟教育的發展內容及十二年國民基本教育社會領域課程綱要;本研究採以問卷調查法,並從十二年國民基本教育社會領域課綱中選取普通型高中於經濟教育的課程項目與課程條目,作為編制問卷的基礎內容,針對高中公民與社會科教師進行差異性分析及層級分析研究。研究結論簡述如下: 一、不同背景變項(性別、學歷、主修專長、教學年資、任教地區、修習經濟學相關課程之經驗)的高中公民與社會科教師對於十二年國教社會領域經濟教育課綱六大課程類目的重要性排序未有顯著差異。 二、不同年齡的高中公民與社會科教師對於十二年國教社會領域經濟教育課綱六大課程類目重要性排序,在【供給與需求】及【市場競爭與外部成本】上具有先顯著差異。 三、不同教授經濟教育之興趣的高中公民與社會科教師對於十二年國教社會領域經濟教育課綱六大課程類目重要性排序,僅在【國民所得】此一項目上具有先顯著差異。 四、高中公民與社會科教師對於十二年國教社會領域經濟教育課綱六大課程類目重要性排序為:【供給與需求】、【市場機能與價格管制】、【市場競爭與外部成本】、【國民所得】、【貿易自由化】、【資源、誘因與專業生產】 五、十二年國教社會領域高中經濟教育課綱知整體課程條目重要性排序結果 (一)重要性位居前五名的課程條目依序為:「課程類目(一)資源、誘因與專業生產——條目2-1.價格高低對誘因的影響。」、「課程類目(一)資源、誘因與專業生產——條目1-1.廠商與政府有什麼資源?如何決定資源的用途?」、「課程類目(一)資源、誘因與專業生產——條目3-2.決定一國進出口某項商品的主要因素。」。 (二)重要性位居末五名的課程條目依序為:「課程類目(四)市場競爭與外部成本——條目7-1.單一廠商漲價與所有廠商聯合漲價之效果有何不同?」、「課程類目(一)資源、誘因與專業生產——條目3-1.專業分工的影響。」及「課程類目(一)資源、誘因與專業生產——條目2-2.政府政策可以影響誘因,進而改變人民行為?」。
The purpose of this study is to explore the importance order of the Citizen and Society high-school teachers in the Economic Education of Curriculum Guidelines of Social Studies Area in Twelve-Year Public Education Curricula.The findings of this study can provide a reference for the future development of secondary education in economics.First , the researcher explored the implications of economic education, the empirical research of economic education, the content of economic education in the Taiwan, and the Curriculum Guidelines of Social Studies Area in Twelve-Year Public Education Curricula through literature analysis. Second,the study mainly adopted the questionnaire survey approach. The questionnaire was designed with reference to course categories and course entries from the Economic Education of Curriculum Guidelines of Social Studies Area in Twelve-Year Public Education Curricula.Finally, Variance of Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process to analyze were conducted to analyze the data . The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows: 1.Citizen and Society high-school teachers with different background variables(gender,education level,major,teaching years and number of economics-related courses)did not differ significantly in their assigned importance orders of the six course categories. 2.Citizen and Society high-school teachers with different age did not differ significantly in their assigned importance orders of course categories.There are “Course category 2: Supply and Demand” and “Course category 4: Competitive Market and External Diseconomies” showed significant differences in the six course categories. 3.Citizen and Society high-school teachers with different interest of teaching economic did not differ significantly in their assigned importance orders of course categories.There is only “Course category 5: National Income” showed significant differences in the six course categories. 4.The order of importance assigned by Citizen and Society high-school teachers on the six course categories of Twelve-Year Public Education Curricula are as follows: “Supply and Demand”, “Market Mechanism and Price Regulation”, “Competitive Market and External Diseconomies”, “National Income”, “Trade Liberalization” and “Economic Resource, Economic Incentive and Specialized Production”. 5.The Economic Education of Curriculum Guidelines of Social Studies Area in Twelve-Year Public Education Curricula in the order of overall importance: (A)The top three Course Entries are: “Course category 1:Entry2-1. Price system have an effect on economic incentive.” , “Course category 1:Entry1-1. What does economic resource that the firms and the government have? How to decide on the purpose of economic resource?” and “Course category 1:Entry3-2.The main factors that determine a national import and export of the commodity.” (B)The last three Course Entries are: “Course category 4:Entry7-1.What is the difference between the price hike of a single firm and the price hike of all firms?” , “Course category 1:Entry3-1. The impact of specialization.” and “Course category 1:Entry2-2. Why does government policies can influence economic incentives and change people's behavior further?”



經濟教育, 十二年國民基本教育社會領域課程綱要, 層級分析法, Economic Education, Curriculum Guidelines of Social Studies Area in Twelve-Year Public Education Curricula, Analytical Hierarchy Process





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