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在媒體科技日趨發達的年代,報紙媒體除了有同業競爭,也要面臨如電視、網路、智慧型手機等新興媒體崛起的外部壓力,各家報社為了維持競爭力,不斷在形式與內容進行變革。過往針對報紙新聞與消費者的研究,多半關注行銷層面或消費者的消費行為、人口統計變項,這些研究討論層面廣泛,卻鮮少將報紙進行內容分析,以便深入了解消費者對「報紙新聞」形式與內容面上的喜好趨向。 本研究首先從台灣報業面臨的市場競爭談起,包括報業市場競爭與新興媒體發展產生的排擠效應,並闡述報紙新聞如何進行變革,甚至吸引消費者閱讀,好持續穩固報紙媒體的影響力。 本研究在研究方法上採用內容分析法與問卷調查法。在內容分析部份,抽樣台灣四家主要報紙,包括《自由時報》、《蘋果日報》、《聯合報》、《中國時報》作為研究對象,並鎖定一份報紙最重要部份──「頭版新聞」進行探討。內容分析類目主要分為「形式」與「內容」兩大面向,依序歸納出四家報紙各自的頭版新聞樣態;在問卷調查部份,則針對一般廣大的報紙消費者進行喜好度調查,以了解消費者對於頭版新聞之形式與內容之喜好趨向。 最後,在兩相比對之下,找出台灣主要報紙的頭版新聞樣態與消費者喜好度間的關聯,並將對照的結果。提供給台灣報紙媒體、報業從業人員與傳播學界作為參考之用。
As media technology quickly developing, the newspaper office not only has to compete with the others, but also face the fierce competition from other types of media such as television, internet and mobile phone.In order to remain competitive, many newspapers change in form and content continuously. In the past, most of research on newspaper readers concerned about aspects of marketing or consumer behavior, demographic variables of newspaper readers. Despite those researches have been discussed widely, but were hard to find the impact of the single condition "newspapers to readers". Especially readers who are still willing to buy newspapers to read at the present time online news are popularized. First of all, this study revealed the competition in market the newspaper office has to face, including the other newspapers and new media. Then, this study will present how newspapers change in form and content continuously to attract the readers, and keeps the influence of social. This study will select four major newspapers in Taiwan, including Liberty Times, Apple Daily, United Daily News, China Times as the research object, and focus the most important part of a newspaper - front-page news to analysis. Content analysis categories of this study contained two parts - "form" and "content" of newspapers, then summarized pattern of front-page news in analyses to four major newspapers in Taiwan individually. Finally, this study will take above-mentioned results to compare with the survey about factors that influence newspaper readers’ preferences, to find out the relationship and difference between those two sequentially. Research methods in this study are employed "content analysis" to front-page news of four major newspapers in Taiwan and “questionnaire survey” to the readers. The questionnaire design will be based on categories of content analysis in this study. Finally, above-mentioned results of research methods will be compared with to get the conclusion.



報紙, 媒體, 頭版新聞, 喜好度, 消費者行為, Newspaper, Media, Front-page news, Preference, Consumer behavior





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