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2021 年疫情逐漸緩和後,許多科技大廠仍採行混合辦公的選項,或將其視為員工的福利方案,或作為招攬海外人才的措施。因此,本研究旨在探討企業實施混合辦公對工作滿意度之影響,以及職家衝突對混合辦公與工作滿意度關係的中介效果。研究對象為在台灣實施遠距工作之企業員工,採用問卷調查法,以便利抽樣回收有效網路問卷 294 份,以 SPSS 統計軟體及結構方程模型(SEM)進行分析驗證研究假設。研究結果如下:(1)員工對混合辦公傾向與工作滿意度具有正向關係;(2)員工對混合辦公傾向與職家衝突具有負向關係;(3)職家衝突與工作滿意度具有負向關係;(4)職家衝突在混合辦公傾向與工作滿意度間具有中介效果;(5)混合辦公傾向是影響工作滿意度的重要因素,而職家衝突次之。期望藉由本研究之研究結果,提出相關的結論和建議,為企業提供管理實務參考。
After the gradual easing of the pandemic in 2021, many tech giants continued to adopt hybrid working options, either as a welfare plan for employees or as a strategy to attract overseas talent. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impact of implementing hybrid work on job satisfaction and the mediating effect of work-family conflict on the relationship between hybrid work and job satisfaction. The subjects of this study are employees of enterprises in Taiwan who practice remote work. The study employs a questionnaire survey method, collecting 294 valid online questionnaires through convenience sampling. SPSS statistical software and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) tools were used to conduct related analyses to verify the research hypotheses.The findings are as follows: (1) There is a positive relationship between employees' tendency towards hybrid work and job satisfaction; (2) There is a negative relationship between employees' tendency towards hybrid work and work-family conflict; (3) Work-family conflict has a negative relationship with job satisfaction; (4) Work-family conflict mediates the relationship between the tendency towards hybrid work and job satisfaction; and (5) The tendency towards hybrid work is an important factor affecting job satisfaction, with work-family conflict being secondary. It is hopedthat the findings and suggestions from this study can provide practical references for enterprise management.
After the gradual easing of the pandemic in 2021, many tech giants continued to adopt hybrid working options, either as a welfare plan for employees or as a strategy to attract overseas talent. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impact of implementing hybrid work on job satisfaction and the mediating effect of work-family conflict on the relationship between hybrid work and job satisfaction. The subjects of this study are employees of enterprises in Taiwan who practice remote work. The study employs a questionnaire survey method, collecting 294 valid online questionnaires through convenience sampling. SPSS statistical software and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) tools were used to conduct related analyses to verify the research hypotheses.The findings are as follows: (1) There is a positive relationship between employees' tendency towards hybrid work and job satisfaction; (2) There is a negative relationship between employees' tendency towards hybrid work and work-family conflict; (3) Work-family conflict has a negative relationship with job satisfaction; (4) Work-family conflict mediates the relationship between the tendency towards hybrid work and job satisfaction; and (5) The tendency towards hybrid work is an important factor affecting job satisfaction, with work-family conflict being secondary. It is hopedthat the findings and suggestions from this study can provide practical references for enterprise management.
混合辦公傾向, 職家衝突, 工作滿意度, Tendency Towards Hybrid Work, Employee Job Satisfaction, Work-Family Conflict