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本研究旨在探討高中教師個人人格特質與理財行為的關係,以做為日後高中教師理財素養之專業成長、教師理財教學態度與理財教育課程規畫等相關研究之參考。本研究採用學者曾永清2014年科技部「高中理財教育課程綱要決策性建構—多層級評價與教師教學態度思考」研究案B卷作為研究工具,進行問卷調查研究,其研究母群體為高中教師。調查所得資料以SPSS 22.0電腦統計套裝軟體進行描述統計、T考驗、單因子變異數分析與事後多重比較、皮爾森相關、典型相關等量化方法處理分析。本研究結果敘述如下: 一、高中教師人格特質以「嚴謹性」特質最為凸出。 二、高中教師人格特質各向度間有相關性存在,神經質與開放性、外向性呈負相關。 三、高中教師理財行為以「信用借貸」理財行為得分最高。 四、高中教師理財行為各向度間有相關性存在,且彼此呈正相關。 五、高中教師人格特質與理財行為二者之間具有相關性存在,人格特質愈具正向,其理財行為之決策與表現越正確。 六、不同背景變項高中教師在理財行為部分向度有顯著差異,男性在「收支平衡」、「信用借貸」、「財務規劃」、「儲蓄投資」四向度正向理財行為優於女性。理財專業課程的修習越多者在「收支平衡」、「保險與風險」、「儲蓄投資」三向度愈具正向理財行為。 七、高中教師人格特質與理財行為有典型相關,愈具「嚴謹性」人格特質愈能做出好的「財務規劃」;愈具「神經質」人格特質愈不會從事理財行為。
This study aimed to explore the relationship between personality traits and financial management behaviors of senior high school teachers in order to provide future reference to related research on the professional growth, teaching attitude, and curriculum planning in financial management education for senior high school teachers. A questionnaire survey method was adopted in this study, usinghigh school teachers as the study population. The computer statistical software package, SPSS 22.0, was used to perform various quantitative analyses, such as descriptive statistics, T-test, single factor analysis of variance, post hoc multiple comparisons, Pearson correlations, and canonical correlation analysis. The results are described as follows: 1. “Being prudent” was found to be the most prominent personal trait among the senior high school teachers. 2. All dimensions of senior high school teachers' personal traits were found to correlate with one another. Neuroticism was found to correlate negatively with opennessand extraversion. 3. In terms of financial management behaviors, the category of "credit loans" showed the highest score among the senior high school teachers. 4. All dimensions of financial management behaviors among the senior high teachers were found to correlate with one another positively. 5. Senior high school teachers' personal traits were found to correlate with their financial management behaviors. The more positive the personal traits of the teachers, the more accurate the strategies and performance of their financial management. 6. Senior high school teachers with different backgrounds showed significant differencesin their financial management behaviors. Male teachers performed better than female teachers in four positive financial management behaviors: balanced budget, credit borrowing, financial planning, and savings&investment. Teachers who took more financial management classes showed more positive financial management behaviors in balanced budget, insurance &risk, and savings&investment. 7. A typical correlation was observed between the personal traits and the financial management behaviors in the senior high school teachers. Teachers who had more prudent traits performed better in financial planning, whereas teachers who possessed more neurotictraits performed worse in financial management.



人格特質, 理財行為, Personal traits, Financial behaviors





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