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Department od Education, NTNU


本研究透過準實驗教學來探討三種教學策略對小五學生的閱讀理解及概念構圖能力的影響,並計算教學策略效果的關連強度(w2)。研究採3(教學策略)× 2 (高低學業性向)獨立樣本二因子不等組前後測設計,樣本有三個班級共109名學生,隨機分為:繪製概念構圖組、閱讀概念構圖組、傳統教學組 (控制組)。三組皆先施以科學文章理解及概念構圖之前測,經過七週的教學後,均再實施後測。二因子共變數分析結果發現:1. 教學策略與學業性向無交互作用。2. 兩組實驗組的閱讀理解分數均高於控制組,但實驗組之間無差異;教學策略與閱讀理解具有中等之關連強度。3. 繪製概念構圖組的概念構圖能力優於閱讀概念構圖組,而後者又高於控制組;教學策略與概念構圖能力具有強勁之關連強度。4. 高學業性向的學生在前述兩個依變項的表現均優於低學業性向者;性向與依變項僅有微弱的關連強度。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of concept mapping instructional strategies on reading comprehension and concept mapping abilities among fifth grade students. Importantly, the strength of association(w2)between independent  and dependent variables were computed to examine the significance of practical applications. This study was a quasi-experiment with a 3(Instructional Strategies)? 2 (Aptitude)factorial design. Participants were 109 fifth grade students in 3 intact classes and each class was randomly assigned to a treatment group. All three groups received pretests in reading comprehension and concept mapping abilities as covriates. Posttests were administered after 7 weeks of instruction for 80 minutes per week. Two-way ANCOVA revealed several parallel patterns in the results. As for the results in reading comprehension, there were main effects for instructional strategies and students' academic aptitudes but no interactions between them. Both experimental groups had higher scores on a reading comprehension test than did the control group. There were no differences between the two experimental groups, however. Students with higher academic aptitudes had higher scores on a reading comprehension test than did those with lower aptitudes. The strength of association between instructional strategies and reading comprehension was at a medium level. Similarly, the results on concept mapping abilities indicated that there were main effects for instructional strategies and students' academic aptitudes but no interactions between them. The concept-mapping-construction group had higher scores on the concept mapping test than the concept-mapping- reading group and the latter group scored higher than the control group. The strength of association between instructional strategies and concept mapping abilities was high. Additionally, both the strength of association between student aptitudes and reading comprehension and concept mapping abilities were low.


