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本研究旨在探討梭羅《湖濱散記》之核心概念及其教育蘊義。梭羅為美國19世紀著名的哲學家與文學家,其思想深受以愛默生為代表之超驗主義影響,相信人擁有自我成長的力量、精神提升的潛能,並且喚醒個人獨立自主的精神,力求克服資本主義物質化社會中,人們追求物欲卻忽略自我本心之覺醒與成長。 《湖濱散記》是梭羅最重要的代表作品之一,內容為梭羅離開城鎮家鄉,到華爾騰湖畔兩年自立更生的棲居生活實驗,其中除了描寫他在林中湖畔自給自足的生活點滴之外,其更重要的意旨是以小公雞之姿,喚醒他的鄰人(讀者)在忙碌生活中沈睡的心靈,梭羅希望能以自身之例,提醒世人心靈新生的可能,並以樂觀負責之態度面對自我的人生道路。 本研究嘗試以梭羅的文學作品作為教育哲學研究之探討,因文學中所呈現之現況或傳達之思想尤其生動且貼近現實,實有其哲學價值與教育意義,值得後人深入研究。而梭羅在《湖濱散記》中所涵蘊之思想對教育充滿啟發,包括打破學習時空範圍的非凡學校教育觀、強調實現自我的學習目標、重視教師與學習者的自我教育,以及與多元的另類教育相呼應之開放教育觀等等。透過探析梭羅《湖濱散記》中之核心概念,提取其思想中之教育蘊義,盼能開啟思考教育方向的多元可能,也走出文學作品作為教育文本研究的可能之路。
The purpose of this research on Henry David Thoreau’s "Walden", discusses its core concept and its educational implications. Thoreau is a well-known 19th century American philosopher and writer. His ideology was greatly influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson, who represented the founder of Transcendentalists. This ideology believes that people possess the power of self-growth, the potential to raise one’s spirit; furthermore, awaken one’s individual free will. It seeks ways to overcome a materialized capitalist society, where people pursuit material goods, in the meantime neglected the importance of self-enlightenment and growth. “Walden” is one of Thoreau’s most importantly representative works. The content began with Thoreau’s departure from his hometown. He then came to Walden Pond where he experienced two years of self-sufficient living. Apart from the description of his daily self-sufficient life in the forest next to the pond, a much more important intention is to awaken his neighbors’ (the readers) sleeping souls from their busy life by the posture as a small cock. Thoreau wishes to uses himself as an example to remind the world the possibility of mind regeneration, and face one’s life with optimistic and responsible attitude. This research attempts to probe into the study of philosophical education by using Thoreau’s literary works. The reason for this is that, the current situation present or the idea convey by literature is vivid and closer to reality, which possesses philosophical values and educational significances worth for future generation to further study. The thinking that implies in Thoreau’s “Walden” possesses inspiration towards education, which includes a vision of uncommon school education that breaks the scale of spatial and temporal learning, emphasized the learning goal of self-achievement. It stressed the importance of self-education by teachers and learners; along with diversify alternative education that calls upon a more open educational concept. Through analyzing the core concept of Thoreau’s “Walden” and extracting its educational implications, we hope for a vision to broaden the diversification of philosophical education, creating a possible road for a literary based educational research.



湖濱散記, 超驗主義, 自我教育, 非凡學校, 另類教育, Walden, Transcendentalism, self-education, uncommon schools, alternative education





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