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本論文探討美國情境喜劇《宅男行不行》中與刻板印象相關的幽默及笑點。本劇主角為四位「宅男 」(nerds)以及一位活潑的女性,宅族與非宅族間的互動,以及宅男的刻板印象再現為本劇主要的幽默來源。根據Bucholtz (2001)的研究,美國社會中nerd的主要刻板印象為「社會適應不良」及「智力高於常人」。在本劇中,宅男同時被再現為科幻迷、漫畫書迷、以及電玩迷。 本劇中的宅男「社會適應不良」在於無法理解語言中語用及社會語言學的重要性:對於語用中禮貌、諷刺、蘊含意義難以理解,以及社會語言學中禁忌話題及對話情境時常忽略。宅男在本劇中「智力高於常人」層面來自於不論情境時常使用正式語或書面語,以及時常對他人展現自己高超的智力,也透過自己對科學、科技的精通展示自己的男性氣概。另外,劇中的宅男被再現為科幻迷、漫畫書迷、以及電玩迷,時常引用及背誦科幻作品中的台詞,以及討論科幻作品情境及角色設定。 族裔的刻板印象也是本劇的幽默來源。在五位主角中,一位是猶太人,另一位是印度人,此二族裔的刻板印象也在本劇中出現。另外三位白人主角的刻板印象(例如美國鄉下的成長背景)同樣也是本劇的幽默來源。 在《宅男行不行》中,「宅」即是相對於「不宅」,因此許多情境都需要參照角色來反襯宅男與「一般人」的不同之處,通常不宅的那位女性為參照角色,但是隨情境需要可能調整。
This thesis aims to explore the stereotype-related humor in the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The sitcom centers around four male physicists who are considered as “nerds/geeks.” One day, a beautiful and perky girl comes into their lives, and humor ensues from the interaction between the nerds and the non-nerd. The stereotype of nerds is the main humor source of this sitcom. Based on the research of Bucholtz (2001), the stereotype of nerds can be divided into two main dimensions: nerds as social underachievers and nerds as intellectual overachievers. In this sitcom, nerds are also represented as sci-fi, comic book and video games fans. Nerds are considered as socially underachieved because they are represented as underperforming in pragmatic and sociolinguistic dimensions of language. They have trouble adhere to the politeness theory; they have difficulty in comprehending implicature and irony; they are not aware of taboo topics and often fail to consider the setting and scene of a conversation. Nerds are considered as intellectually overachieved because they tend to employ “superstandard” language, i.e., they employ written and formal register across contexts. They are also represented as constantly demonstrating their intellect and knowledge on various topics. They are also likely to demonstrate their mastery in scientific and technological fields. Nerds are represented as sci-fi, comic books, and video games fans in this sitcom. They engage in sci-fi works and activities with strong fervor, and they often can recite and quote the lines of sci-fi movies, and constantly debate on the events in the hypothesized universe in sci-fi works. Ethnic stereotypes are another source of humor in The Big Bang Theory. Since one of the five main characters is Jewish, and another is Indian, the stereotype of their respective ethnicities serves as humor resources. However, the other three Caucasian characters are also parodied in terms of their rural upbringings. In The Big Bang Theory, nerdiness is often represented as being different to non-nerds. The non-nerd girl character often serves as a reference point to nerds in order to demonstrate how deviated from normalcy the nerdsare, but in some scenes some of nerds become reference points to contrast extreme nerdiness.



幽默, 刻板印象, 宅/宅男, 情境喜劇, 族裔, humor, stereotype, nerd, sitcom, ethnicity





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