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本研究旨在探究慈濟女性志工之深度休閒參與,藉此了解慈濟志工之參與服務狀況、最初參與動機、持續參與動機分別為何?並分析慈濟女性志工所展現出來的特質以及所獲得之酬賞。 本研究採質性研究,以半結構式的問題,深入訪談九位慈濟志工的深度休閒經驗,並採用參與觀察法,藉著參與觀察得到更豐富的資料。研究結果如下: ㄧ、休閒心服務行:慈濟女性志工之深度休閒參與狀況,平均時間每星期至少一天參與服務,每次服務的時間由數小時到兩三天不等,端視活動所需長短時間而定。此外,在服務項目方面相當多樣,只要有時間,並且能夠做,受訪者會樂意參加而不推辭。 二、甘願踏出服務第一步:此為研究參與者之最初參與動機,分別是,從心開始、服務人群、與慈濟相遇、重要他人、宗教因素。 三、歡喜繼續做:此指研究參與者之持續參與動機,包括珍貴的體驗、自我期許、歡喜同行、服務路上不寂寞、宗教因素。 四、服務使我們更相近:指的是研究參與者之特質,包括慈濟人的特質、個人特質、志願服務歷程之特質 五、因為付出、得到更多:此指研究參與者之酬賞,共有七項,分別是個性方面的收穫、精神方面的收穫、人際關係的轉變、家庭關係的轉變、知識技術的獲得、處事態度的轉變、宗教觀的轉變。 最後根據研究發現提出相關建議,及對未來之研究提出具體可行的建議。
The purpose of this research was to probe into serious leisure participation of female Tzu-Chi volunteers to understand their service condition, the original participative and prolonged motives. Furthermore, this research analyzed the distinguishing characteristics of female Tzu-Chi volunteers and the rewards they got. This study was preceded with qualitative research method by in-depth interviewing nine Tzu-Chi volunteers with semi-structured questions about their serious leisure participation, and data were also collected by participant observation. The conclusions of the study were found as follows: 1.Service comportment with leisure mood: Female Tzu-Chi volunteers spent at least one day a week in average, several hours to two or three days at one time on service (depending on the time that activity took).On the other hand, the forms of the service were multiple, so these volunteers would be willing to join the service. 2.Willing stepping on the first step of service: The original participative motives of these participators included touched in heart, servicing people, meeting Tzu-Chi, significant others, and religious factors. 3.Delighted continuing: The prolonged motives of these participators included precious experiences, self expectancy, delighted servicing together, unlonely service, and religious factors. 4.Service making us closer: The traits of these participators included the distinguishing characteristics of Tzu-Chi volunteers, individuals, and of the progress of service. 5.Doing more then getting more: The rewards that these participators got were in obtaining aspects of particularity, spirit, knowledge and technique, strengthening of human interaction, attitudes in attending to business, as well as religious notions. Based on the conclusions above, this study provided some recommendations for the further study as well.



深度休閒, 志願服務, 慈濟志工團隊





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