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本研究旨在探討STEAM取向教學對工程設計學習成效的影響。本研究採準實驗研究法,並使用不等組前後測的實驗設計,實驗對象為新北市某國中的七年級學生,將學生隨機分配為實驗組與對照組之後進行教學實驗,而本實驗之教學單元為凸輪機構玩具設計,於實驗組採用STEAM取向教學,於對照組使用一般生活科技教學。在工程設計學習成效方面,採用工程設計能力量表、作品創意評量表、STEAM態度量表進行資料收集,其中實驗組與對照組於前測與後測均採用工程設計能力量表以及STEAM態度量表進行施測,而作品創意評量表前測則採用學生前一個生活科技實作的作品表現成績,後測採用本次實驗之凸輪機構玩具的作品表現成績。在資料處理與分析方面,於量化資料部分,將所有量表資料轉化為量化資料後,利用SPSS 22.0 for Windows進行獨立樣本單因子共變數分析,於質性資料部分,將回收的學習單及作品予以編碼輔以分析,並根據文獻來闡明研究發現。 本研究主要結論如下:(1)STEAM取向教學對工程設計能力之影響無顯著差異。在STEAM取向教學中的製作原型階段,利用瓦愣紙板做簡單的測試,可以幫助學生在製作作品時更順利。(2)STEAM取向教學對作品創意之機構設計、造型設計有正面影響。STEAM取向教學中的人文藝術故事創作,可以幫助學生挑戰較難的機構設計以及提升作品的豐富度。(3)STEAM取向教學對STEAM態度之自覺能力、價值有正面影響。STEAM取向教學中的學科連結、設計思考流程,幫助學生完成較複雜的機構設計以及作品製作,讓學生對於STEAM態度之自覺能力、價值有正面的感受。最後,本研究根據研究結果,針對STEAM取向教學及後續研究,研提建議。
This study mainly investigated the effect of STEAM instruction on engineering design learning. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used in this research. The objects were the seventh-grade students, selected from a public junior high school in New Taipei City, and they were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. A learning activity named Cam Mechanism Toys was conducted in this teaching experiment. The experimental group was taught using STEAM instruction, while the control group was taught using the traditional (usual) way. Participant students’ engineering design abilities and performances were evaluated by the Engineering Design Ability Scale, the Work Creativity Scale, and the STEAM Attitude Scale. Both the experimental group and the control group were tested by the Engineering Design Ability Scale and the STEAM Attitude Scale before and after the experiment. The pre-test of the Work Creativity Scale was used to collect data of performances of student’s previous work. The post-test of the Work Creativity Scale was used to collect data of the cam mechanism toys performances in the experiment. The one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed in this research. The main conclusions of this study were: (1) STEAM instruction had no significant effect on student’s engineering design ability. (2) STEAM instruction had a positive effect on student’s work creativity of mechanism design and appearance design. (3) STEAM instruction had a positive effect on student’s STEAM attitude of perceived ability and value. Finally, based on the research results, this study addressed recommendations and suggestions for implementation of STEAM instruction and future studies.



STEAM取向教學, 工程設計能力, 作品創意, STEAM態度, STEAM instruction, engineering design ability, work creativity, STEAM attitude





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