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本研究欲探討新北市國中一、二年級學生性別平等意識之現況。主要研究目的為:一、瞭解新北市國中學生的性別平等意識情形。二、探討不同背景變項對新北市國中ㄧ、二年級學生性別平等意識的差異情形。 本研究採取問卷調查法,以新北市公立國民中學之國一與國二學生作為研究對象進行「分層比例抽樣」與「叢集抽樣」之抽樣調查,並使用統計軟體SPSS進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關進行資料分析,以探究國中學生性別平等意識之現況,並根據研究結果提出建議。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、新北市國中一、二年級學生的性別平等意識傾向正面。 二、不同生理性別、每天接觸媒體時間的因素,對於性別平等意識之三個構面皆達顯著差異。 三、不同家庭結構對於部分性別平等意識之構面具有顯著差異。 根據以上研究結果,研究者對政府機構、教育相關機構、學校教育、家庭教育及未來研究等提出建議,供未來相關人員與後續研究者之參考。
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the gender equity consciousness of the 7th to 8th graders in New Taipei City. The objectives of this study involves two key aspects: (1) To understand the level of the genger equity consciousness of the 7th to 8th graders in New Taipei City. (2) To explore how different background variables affected the gender equity consciousness of the 7th to 8th graders in New Taipei City.   With ‘’proportionate stratified sampling’’ and ‘’cluster sampling‘’, this study adopted the method of questionnaire. The subjects of this research were 7th to 8th graders in New Taipei City as participants. All the obtained data had been analyzed with an aid of SPSS‚ including descriptive statistics‚ t-test‚ one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. To explore the current situation of genger equity consciousness among 7th to 8th graders in New Taipei City, and to make recommendations based on the conclusions of this study. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.The gender equity consciousness of the 7th to 8th graders in New Taipei City was positive. 2.The factors of different physiological genders and daily media exposure have significant differences in the three aspects of the gender equity consciousness. 3.Different family structures have significant differences in some aspects of the gender equity consciousness. Based on the research findings, several suggestions are offered for government agencies, authorities of educationl administration, school education, family education, and future research for future reference by relevant personnel and follow-up researchers.



性別平等教育, 性別平等意識, 性別角色, 性別認同, 性別互動, Gender equity education, Gender equity consciousness, Gender role, Gender identity, Gender interaction





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