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本研究目的有六:(一) 探討2×2成就目標對心理需求的預測情形;(二) 探討教練的社會支持對心理需求的預測情形;(三) 探討心理需求對自我決定動機的預測情形;(四) 探討心理需求在 2x2成就目標與自我決定動機之間的中介效果;(五) 探討心理需求在教練的社會支持與自我決定動機之間的中介效果。本研究以新北市383名高中體育班學生為研究對象,研究參與者填寫競技運動成目標量表修正版、教練支持量表、心理需求滿意度量表及自我決定動機量表。所得結果以皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸及路徑分析等統計分析方法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:(一) 精熟趨近目標可以正向預測勝任感;表現趨近目標可以正向預測關係感;(二) 教練的社會支持能正向預測自主性、勝任感及關係感;(三) 知覺勝任感及關係感可以正向預測自我決定動機,自主性則否。其中以勝任感的預測力比較強;(四) 精熟趨近目標可以直接預測自我決定動機,也可透過勝任感預測自我決定動機,顯示勝任感在精熟趨近目標與自我決定動機之間有部分中介效果;表現趨近目標可以直接預測自我決定動機,也可透過關係感預測自我決定動機,顯示關係感在表現趨近目標與關係感之間有部分中介效果;表現逃避目標可以直接負向預測自我決定動機;(五) 教練的社會支持能直接預測自我決定動機,也能分別透過勝任感及關係感預測自我決定動機,顯示勝任感及關係感在練社會支持與自我決定動機之間有部分中介效果。本研究針對結果提出討論,亦對於實際運用與未來進一步研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study included: (a) to examine the prediction of 2 x 2 achievement goals on psychological needs; (b) to examine the prediction of coach’s social support on psychological needs; (c) to examine the prediction of psychological needs on self-determined motivation; (d) to examine the mediating effect of psychological needs between 2 x 2 achievement goals and self-determined motivation; (e) to examine the mediating effect of psychological needs between coach’s social support and self-determined motivation. The results showed that: (a) Mastery-approach goal was the positive predictor in terms of predicting competence. Performance-approach goal was the positive predictor in terms of predicting relatedness. (b) Coach’s social support could positively predict autonomy, competence, and relatedness. (c) Self-determined motivation was positively predicted by perceptions of competence and relatedness. (d) Mastery-approach goal could positively predict self-determined motivation and also could predict self-determined motivation through competence. Performance-approach goal could positively predict self-determined motivation and also could predict self-determined motivation through relatedness. Performance-avoidance goal could negatively predict self-determined motivation. (e) Coach’s social support could positively predict self-determined motivation and also could predict self-determined motivation through competence and relatedness. Based on the results, the implications and applications of this study were discussed.
The purpose of this study included: (a) to examine the prediction of 2 x 2 achievement goals on psychological needs; (b) to examine the prediction of coach’s social support on psychological needs; (c) to examine the prediction of psychological needs on self-determined motivation; (d) to examine the mediating effect of psychological needs between 2 x 2 achievement goals and self-determined motivation; (e) to examine the mediating effect of psychological needs between coach’s social support and self-determined motivation. The results showed that: (a) Mastery-approach goal was the positive predictor in terms of predicting competence. Performance-approach goal was the positive predictor in terms of predicting relatedness. (b) Coach’s social support could positively predict autonomy, competence, and relatedness. (c) Self-determined motivation was positively predicted by perceptions of competence and relatedness. (d) Mastery-approach goal could positively predict self-determined motivation and also could predict self-determined motivation through competence. Performance-approach goal could positively predict self-determined motivation and also could predict self-determined motivation through relatedness. Performance-avoidance goal could negatively predict self-determined motivation. (e) Coach’s social support could positively predict self-determined motivation and also could predict self-determined motivation through competence and relatedness. Based on the results, the implications and applications of this study were discussed.
成就目標理論, 自主性, 勝任感, 關係感, achievement goal theory, autonomy, competence, relatedness