
dc.contributor.authorNg hui-koanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在了解「台語教學支援人員」之教學實踐過程,從參與的動機到目前教學的現況,所觸及的政策、學校與教學者之間產生的問題,研究過程以質性研究方式,首先蒐集相關文獻,探討母語教學之理論基礎及實施現況;其次以立意取樣方式,選取六位台語教學支援人員及進行深度訪談,並輔以個人多年教學經驗作為資料之檢核,其目的有四: 一、瞭解台語教學支援人員之參與動機。 二、瞭解不同背景的台語教學支援人員其教學經驗與困境。 三、為未來的母語教育政策制定提出建議。 四、為台語教學支援人員得以持續推展母語教育提出建議。 最後依據研究結果,作成結論並分別對中央主管機關、教育主管機關、地方政府、學校以及台語教學支援人員提出具體之建議。 壹、結論 一、台語教學支援人員參與考試之內發性動機,除了想要找回說母語的權利,並檢示母語實力,更有份傳承語言文化的使命感及強烈的台灣主體意識。 二、台語教學支援人員的教學經驗與困境,隨著不同背景、年齡、個人特質、教學動機、經驗而有不同,追根究柢的原因仍來自政策制定與學校體制。 三、語言政策淪為政治角力,過去的既得利益者打著「華語」優勢,罔顧他人說母語權利,讓雙語和多元文化教育,帶領台灣語言政策走向正常化。 四、透過不平等的師資檢核內容,讓社會改變觀感去肯定支援人員在語言文化中傳承的時代意義,未來走進社會從事母語教育將是最好的依歸。 貳、建議 一、對中央主管機關的建議 1、積極推動「語言平等法」和「國家語言發展法」立法通過。 2、訂定最低薪資制,保障「台語教學支援人員」的工作權。 3、公平分配語言的經費,台語師資的經費要專款專用,不要被瓜分。 4、研擬台語教育學程,讓具有修業資格的台語教學支援人員修習,對於不具資格仍持續任教的台語教學支援人員舉辦「台語教師特考」以儲備師資。 5、增加台語檢測項目,做為公職人員考核及升遷之參考指標。 6、制定台語認證級數,以擁有不同語言認證的級別,做為學校推甄加分項目,並將台語考題納入升學制度及國家級考試範圍。 二、對教育主管機關的建議 1、修改九年一貫課程綱要,將台語排入國中正常課程,並增加國小台語節數。 2、讓台文系所學生進入國教體系,並在大專院校師資培育中心增設台語課程。 3、設立台語專職機構辦理師資培訓及改進台語師資檢核的標準流程作業。 三、對地方政府的建議 1、地方政府全力配合語言政策,進行學校台語教學之訪視、評鑑、考核。 2、設立台語中心學校,提供台語教學的各項支援及教學教材。 3、表揚傑出台語教學支援人員、教師及推動台語教學的績優學校。 四、對學校的建議 1、強化台語的價值及意義,以保存文化資產的態度辦理台語教育。 2、成立台語志工團,培訓有台語專長的家長,重視「台語日」、「鄉土走廊」。 3、聘請經驗豐富且能帶動母語氣氛的師資,將外聘師資提昇為台語培訓講師。 五、對台語教學支援人員的建議 1、樹立台語專業的形象 2、積極充實台語能力、提昇專業知識 3、強化課程設計安排的能力,推動多元的台語活動 4、體認自我價值,延伸教學觸角 5、成立台語教學支援人員的支持系統,做為日後課程交流或成長互助的團體zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research purpose in the teaching practice course that understands a Taiwanese teaching support personnel , the present situation that has taught from the motive of participation up till now, the question produced among policy, school and teaching support personnel. Study the course by way of studying in quality, collect relevant documents at first, probe into the theoretical foundation of mother tongue teaching and implementation present situation; Secondly choice six Taiwanese teaching support personnel and carry on depth interview by way of taking a sample in conception, complement the experience of teaching for many years with individual as examining cores of the materials, its purpose have four : First. Understand a Taiwanese teaching support personnel's participation motive. Second. Understand a Taiwanese teaching support personnel with different backgrounds theirs teaching experience and predicament . Third. Make the suggestion of putting forward for the future policy for education of mother tongue. Fourth. Support personnel to promote the mother tongue to educate and suggestion of putting forward continuously for a native language teaching. According to the finally result of study, make conclusion and suggestion . One, conclusion: First. Sets of language teaching support personnel is that send the internal motivation within having an examination to participate in, except want to find the right of talking about mother tongue and examine the strength which show the mother tongue, there are a sense of calling of passing the culture of languages on and strong Taiwan main body consciousness even more. Second. A language teaching supports personnel's teaching experience and predicament, have different one because of in conformity with the tactics with different backgrounds, age, idiosyncrasy, teaching motive, course, experience, but the reason to make a thorough investigation still comes from the policy and makes with the system of the school. Third. The language policy of Taiwan becomes play the policy wrestling, The past stakeholders concerned are typing the advantage of ' Mandarin ', speak right of mother tongue regardless of others, let bilingual trend of teaching to handle them, let the Multi-culture for teaching pleading on native language and suggestion. Fourth. Through unequal examining content of teacher criterions, let the society change the impressions to the support personnel with agreeness and in the culture of the language for the traditional era meaning, then it come into society engaged in mother tongue that education will be the best in accordance to future. Second, Suggestion: First. Make the suggestion to the policy making department Second. Make the suggestion to the education executive department Third. Make the suggestion on the local government Fourth. Make the suggestion on the school Fifth. Support personnel's suggestion on a native language teachingen_US
dc.subjectteaching support personnelen_US
dc.subjectteaching practiceen_US
dc.titleA study on the teaching practice of Taiwanese teaching support personnelen_US

