

本研究旨在探討城鄉差異影響國中學生音樂學習態度之相關因素,以彰化縣十六所國民中學七年級學生與音樂教師為對象,研究方法採用文獻探討、問卷與訪談調查,透過資料整理,以SPSS12.0 for windows 統計套裝軟體,應用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、單一樣本T檢定、多因子變異數分析與迴歸分析,獲得具體發現與結論如下: 一、彰化縣國中生整體的音樂學習態度普遍呈正面的傾向,但因家庭與社區環境的支援不足而影響其實際表現,以鄉村地區國中生表現最為積極,偏遠地區較缺乏自信。 二、在個人層面中,國中生個人對音樂學習持正向積極的態度,但缺乏主動精神。鄉村地區國中生最為積極;城市地區國中生自主性較高;偏遠地區表現較為消極。 三、城、鄉學校教學設備各有優劣,城市地區設備雖較充足,但久未汰舊換新,鄉村與偏遠地區,設備較不齊備,皆影響到教學成效。 四、師生與同儕之間互動良好,以鄉村地區學生最依賴音樂教師。 五、鄉村與偏遠地區校外音樂學習機會與對音樂教育的重視度明顯不足,影響到子女的音樂學習機會與學習態度。 六、偏遠地區學生珍惜參與參與社團與社區藝文活動之機會,而城市學生因重視課業學習,反而忽視區域文化活動的重要性,影響未來對傳統文化的珍惜與認同感。 七、在性別方面,國中男生正值變聲期,較不喜歡歌唱,音樂學習態度較女生低。 八、家庭與社區環境等外在因素,對國中學生音樂學習態度都有影響。 根據研究結果,研究者對教育行政單位、學校、教師及未來研究者,提出若干具體建議,以供教育主管單位修定政策與音樂教師實施教學的參考。
The purposes of this research are twofolds. This research looked into the influence of rural-urban differences on junior high school students’ music learning attitudes, and the correlation between rural-urban differences and 7th graders’ music learning attitudes in sixteen junior high schools in Changhua County, Taiwan. This study was conducted by using research methods, such as literature review, survey and interviews with 7th grade junior high school students and music teachers. For data analysis, SPSS version 12.0 for windows was used to derive the frequency-distribution, percentage and the mean, and the standard of deviation. Also, one-sample t-test and two way ANOVA, and multiple-regression-analysis were performed during data analysis. The result of this study were as followings: (1)The students had positive attitudes toward music learning. However, despite of their attitudes toward music learning, their performances were affected by the insufficient music learning resources provided by their families and or the community. Compared with the countryside students and the remote districts students, students from the countryside had more enthusiastic attitudes toward learning music than the remote districts ones who have less self-confidence in learning music; (2)Junior high school students have positive attitudes toward music learning, but they seldom took the initiative in music learning. This study has found that students from the countryside felt enthusiastic toward having the opportunity to learn music. Students from urban area liked to take the initiative in music learning voluntarily. Among urban, rural and remote areas, students from the remote areas were more passive toward music learning; (3) This study had discovered that the condition of facilities and resources in both urban and rural school varies. Although there were more facilities and resources available in urban schools, a lot of the facilities were out of date and haven’t been properly replaced. For several rural schools that this study visited, there were insufficient amount of music teaching facilities and resources. Consequently, because of lacking teaching facilities and resources, the insufficiency has made an influence on the teaching quality of music teaching; (4) According to the interview data, music teachers had good interactions with students who tended to have good interactions with themselves. During their music classes period, students tended to have a high-reliance on the teacher in their music classes; (5) Due to the significant lacking extra-curricular music learning opportunities and the low emphasis on the importance of music education in countryside and rural families, the rural children’s music learning opportunities and music learing attitudes were affected by this insufficiency; (6) Students from the remote rural areas tended to treasure the opportunities to participate in clubs and community activities. On the other hand, due to the emphasis in urban students’ performance in their academic studies, urban students tended not to participate and value the opportunity to participate in community cultural events; (7) Gender does affect junior high school students’ music learning attitudes. Since junior high school boys were in their puberty and experiencing voice change, they tended to have a lower motivation toward learning music than junior high school girls; (8) Environmental factors such as family and community environments do have an influence on junior high school students’ music learning attitudes.



城鄉差異, 音樂學習態度, 教育資源, rural-urban differences, music learning attitude, educational resources

