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摘 要 餐飲業力求創新以吸引消費者,餐廳的經營者在創意餐廳的展現上結合創意理念、文化之元素,以開發產品、場所、服務、活動之創意商品或服務,進而創新經營模式,提升經濟活動之附加價值,拓展新商機。創意餐廳的經營者如何將創意的理念融入餐廳經營理念中,讓消費者在餐廳有不同的體驗感受為本研究重點。 本研究旨在探討創意餐廳的內涵,分析創意餐廳之經營者的設計理念與內涵,探討創意餐廳經營者如何運用經營創意技術或策略,並分析影響經營者創意表現的個人與環境因素。 本研究對象為喫茶趣新複合餐廳、月光森林餐廳、伍角船板,針對經營者做深度訪談,進行質性分析,並搜集創意餐廳相關文件、商品,以文件分析方式分析其創意元素及概念。 本研究主要發現,創意餐廳的創意人是餐廳創意的主要靈魂人物,創意人的人格特質、成長背景、學歷歷程、生活經驗、思考模式、動機因素等皆為影響創意的重要因素。創意歷程分析,符合—準備、醞釀、豁朗、驗證等四階段。組織中領導者營造一個開放且安全自在的空間,更是培養組織創意的搖籃。經營者經營餐廳內涵經營規劃上,歸納整理可以展現創意的方面為: 1.創意主題概念 2.品牌命名與設計 3.氣氛營造 4.餐廳佈局 5.服務方式 6.食物特色 7.菜單設計 8.週邊商品. 9.行銷推廣 10.創意體驗等十個項目。創意餐廳的整體規劃與營造帶給顧客新奇的創意體驗,讓顧客有驚喜與新奇感受,顧客到餐廳用餐不是只有味覺上的享受,更包含五官、情感與文化的體驗,帶給顧客難以忘懷的創意回憶。 關鍵字:創意、餐廳、創意餐廳、體驗
Abstract Today’s restaurant owners aim to provide diners with an unusual and impressive experience to attract and maintain a large customer base. This study examines three established restaurants in Taiwan and analyzes ideas, techniques and strategies of their restaurant entrepreneurs. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of a restaurant’s theme in determining the successful reputation of a restaurant. The study uses qualitative data collected through interviews with the restaurant owners of the three restaurants chosen for the study. In addition to the material gathered from the interviews, we participated in several on-site observations to the restaurants to watch and interact with the restaurant’s clientele. In analyzing the data, the first key outcome is that the content of creative restaurant outlines in the following ten criteria: idea, brand, atmosphere, design and layout, service, food and beverage, menu design, merchandise, marketing and experience. The second key result is that the maintenance of the open-minded work climate has a moderately positive association with the restaurant’s abilities in response to environmental needs. The third conclusion is that today’s restaurant marketing should focused on innovating phenomenal dinning experiences. Key Word: creativity, restaurant, creative restaurant, experience.



創意, 餐廳, 創意餐廳, 體驗, creativity, restaurant, creative restaurant, experience





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