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近年來台灣陸續產生專為兒童為主題的園區、博物館、美術館、主題樂園... 等。除了館內設施及展示內容,本創作研究對於館內的空間設計及指示標誌設計 是否適合兒童的閱讀及瞭解很好奇,而以高雄市立美術館附設兒童美術館為研究 案例,設計出一套以創意七巧板及色彩規劃為主要研究項目的創意指示標示空間 系統。基於上述背景與動機本創作研究主要呈現兒童美術館的空間指示系統,提 供良好的空間色彩規劃及指示標誌,使觀者除了兒童美術館的展覽活動,希望還 能明確感受經過色彩計畫後所專為兒童設計的指示標示系統所帶來的易辨識性 及愉悅的視覺經驗,進而建構良好的兒童展場指示標誌色彩計畫模組。本設計創 作研究論述內容為:第一章緒論,主要為背景、研究動機、名詞釋義、研究方法 架構之說明;第二章學理依據主要以兒童色彩知覺、兒童空間知覺相關理論及兒 童對指標的辨識能力等相關資料探討;第三章為個案分析與案例蒐集,首先分析 高雄兒童美術館之指示標示系統,並蒐集與創意設計理念相關之指示標示系統並 分析後做為以七巧板之元素加入創意概念之創作理念依據,第四章創作歷程與分 析,分別針對標示系統、使用動線為分項設計分析成果以藉由此設計研究了解兒 童使用之美術館視覺計畫及動線規劃,藉以跳脫原有一般美術館視覺設計;第五 章為結論與建議。本設計創作研究之具體研究價值,在於以新的視覺方式展現活 潑具有活力及創意的指示標誌系統,跳脫原有框架展現不同於一般平面標誌,並 延伸設計應用在其他系列設計項目上。
For the decade, the complex, museum, pinacotheca, theme park and etc. designed for domestic children gradually attract attentions. Except facilities and exhibits, this essay reviews the children’s educational exhibition space through design criteria of atmosphere and signage: Case study of the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and attempt to design a creative signage system basing on Tangrams and color planning. Against the background and motivation of this study, our design hope visitors could feel clearly easy-recognition and pleasant visual experience by the way of well-designed guidance system for children, and furthermore we could build a good color-planning module of guidance system for children’s exhibit.This thesis is divided into five parts: The chapter I is introduction describe the background, motivation, interpretation of terms and the architecture of this research; The chapter II discusses related theoretical issues on children’s color perception, spatial perception and capabilities of indicator-recognition; The chapter III includes case study, design and analysis, in which we analyzing the indicator-guidance system designed basing on Tangrams and creative concepts through utilizing the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts; The chapter IV are with applicable strategies to think outside of conventional visual design of art museum, via comprehending the museum’s visual and generatrix plan. The chapter V are conclusion and suggestions This study’s results are of value as they can’t be used as reference for the design of exhibition space but also be extended to other’s visual applications by a new vital perspective of creative guidance system.
For the decade, the complex, museum, pinacotheca, theme park and etc. designed for domestic children gradually attract attentions. Except facilities and exhibits, this essay reviews the children’s educational exhibition space through design criteria of atmosphere and signage: Case study of the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and attempt to design a creative signage system basing on Tangrams and color planning. Against the background and motivation of this study, our design hope visitors could feel clearly easy-recognition and pleasant visual experience by the way of well-designed guidance system for children, and furthermore we could build a good color-planning module of guidance system for children’s exhibit.This thesis is divided into five parts: The chapter I is introduction describe the background, motivation, interpretation of terms and the architecture of this research; The chapter II discusses related theoretical issues on children’s color perception, spatial perception and capabilities of indicator-recognition; The chapter III includes case study, design and analysis, in which we analyzing the indicator-guidance system designed basing on Tangrams and creative concepts through utilizing the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts; The chapter IV are with applicable strategies to think outside of conventional visual design of art museum, via comprehending the museum’s visual and generatrix plan. The chapter V are conclusion and suggestions This study’s results are of value as they can’t be used as reference for the design of exhibition space but also be extended to other’s visual applications by a new vital perspective of creative guidance system.
兒童美術館, 色彩計畫, 指示標誌系統, Children’s art museum, Color-planning, Signage system