
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解國民中學組織運作中教師人權的現況。研究方法係採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法。本研究以北部六縣市(台北市、台北縣、基隆市、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣)之公立國民中學教師作為母群體,採多階段抽樣法進行調查。並以自編之「國民中學組織運作中教師人權現況調查問卷」作為研究工具,問卷共計發出1157份,回收895份,扣除無效問卷53份之後,可用問卷為842份,有效問卷回收率為72.8%。所得資料以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸以及典型相關等方法進行分析處理。本研究獲得之結論如下: 一、學校組織運作中對於教師人權的維護具有增益「教師組織承諾」、「學校組織倫理」以及「學校組織健康」等功能。 二、國民中學組織運作對於教師人權之維護大致良好,其中「工作權的保障」與「專業自主權的維護」兩層面係達到高度之維護;然而,「人格權的尊重」與「平等與公正的對待」兩層面尚有改善的空間。 三、不同背景變項的教師對於國民中學組織運作中教師人權現況有不同的認知差異,唯不同專長(任教科目)的教師對於教師人權現況之認知沒有差異。 (一)不同性別的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;男性教師在「工作權保障」層面之認知顯著高於女性教師。 (二)不同學歷的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;碩士學歷教師在教師人權各層面之現況認知上均為最高。 (三)不同職務的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;學校層級愈低者,對於教師人權維護現況的評量愈低。 (四)不同年資的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;年資超過25年之教師對於國民中學組織運作中教師人權之現況評量顯著高於其他組別。 (五)服務於不同學校規模的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;小型學校組織運作對於教師人權的維護最好。 (六)服務於不同學校所在地的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;直轄市(台北市)教師在「人格權尊重」層面之現況評量上顯著低於鄉鎮學校之教師。 (七)服務於不同校齡的教師在國民中學組織運作中教師人權的認知上,有顯著差異存在;服務於校齡未滿10年之教師在「人格權尊重」層面之現況評量上顯著低於服務於校齡10-20年之教師。 四、就「教師組織承諾」而言,預測力由高至低依序為「工作權保障」、「平等與公正對待」、「專業自主權維護」。 五、就「學校組織倫理實現」而言,預測力由高至低依序為「平等與公正對待」、「工作權保障」、「人格權尊重」。 六、就「學校組織健康」而言,預測力由高至低依序為「工作權的保障」、「平等與公正對待」、「專業自主權的維護」。 七、「平等與公正對待」係國民中學組織運作中最容易受到忽略與最需要被維護的層面。 八、國民中學組織運作中教師人權的維護與學校組織功能(教師人權功能)呈高度正相關 九、國民中學組織運作中阻礙教師人權的因素多元且複雜 (一)社會觀念、家長教養態度的改變以及教師本身文化均會阻礙教師人格權 (二)教師對於公共事務的冷漠阻礙工作權益維護之體現 (三)教育行政機關對於教師專業自主權之阻礙最具影響。 (四)競爭思維仍為阻礙學校公平公正運作之因素 十、國民中學組織運作中阻礙教師人權因素之解決策略,應以「提昇教師心理滿足」以及「改善教師工作處境與條件」為依歸,並從多方面著手之。 十一、法律條文的權益賦予仍是維護教師人權之最大保障 最後,根據結論,研究者針對政府機關、國民中學內部運作、國中教師以及未來研究提出若干建議,以作為改進方向之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study on Junior High School Teacher's Human Rights in Organizational Operation-The Northern Taiwan Example Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore junior high school teacher's human rights in organizational operation .This study has methodologically adopted document analysis and questionnaire survey. The subjects are public junior high school teachers in the six counties and cities in northern Taiwan. The counties and cities are, Taipei City, Keelung City, Hsin-chu City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, and Hsin-Chu County. The tool used in this study, which was "Teacher's Human Rights of Organizational Operation of Junior High School Questionnaire" was designed and then 842 samples were surveyed. The data was analyzed and presented by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, stepwise multiple regressions, and canonical correlation. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Protection of teacher's human rights in school operation could improve teachers' organizational commitment, school ethics and school health. 2. Junior high school teacher's human rights are well protected in the dimensions of "working rights" and "professional autonomy", however there is much room for improvement in the dimension of "personality rights" and "fair and equitable treatment". 3. Teachers with different personal variables and school variables have different perceptions about teacher's human rights in junior high school operation. However, one variable, "teaching subject", has no significant difference in perception. (1) There is a significant difference of the perceptions of junior high school teachers in the dimension of "working rights" between different genders. The result is that the evaluations indicated by males are obviously higher than those by females. (2) There is a significant difference in the perceptions of junior high school teachers in all dimensions of teacher's human rights in junior high school operation between teachers with different diplomas. The evaluations indicated by teachers who graduated from academy are obviously higher than others. (3) There is a significant difference in the perceptions of junior high school teachers in all dimensions of teacher's human rights in junior high school operation between teachers of different ranks and titles. The result is that the evaluations indicated by school administrators are obviously higher than teachers. (4) There is a significant difference in the perceptions of junior high school teachers in all dimensions of teacher's human rights in junior high school operation between teachers with different levels of seniority. The evaluations indicated by teachers with over 25 years experience are obviously higher than others. (5) There is a significant difference in the perceptions of junior high school teachers in all dimensions of teacher's human rights in junior high school operation between teachers who work in different size schools. The results are that the small size school's operation are good at protect teacher's human rights. (6) There is a significant difference in the perceptions of junior high school teachers in the dimension of "personality rights" dependent upon school location. The result is that the evaluations indicated by teachers in Taipei City are obviously lower than teachers in the countryside. (7) There is a significant difference in the perceptions of junior high school teachers in the dimension of "personality rights" between teachers in different school's age. The result is that the evaluations indicated by teachers who work in school's age less than 10 years are obviously lower than those of teachers who work in school's age between 10-20 years. 4. In teachers' organizational commitment, the dimension of "working rights" is the most significant predictor, "fair and equitable treatment" is the second, "personality rights" is the last. 5. In school ethics, the dimension of "fair and equitable treatment" is the best predictor, "working rights" is the second, "personality rights" is the last. 6. In school health, the dimension of "working rights" is the best predictor, "fair and equitable treatment" is the second, and "personality rights" is the last. 7. It is easiest to neglect the dimension of "fair and equitable treatment ", although that dimension needs the most attention in junior high school operation. 8. There is significant positive correlation between the protection of teacher's human rights in junior high school operation, and the effectiveness of teacher's human rights. 9. There are multiple and complicated problems with regard to teacher's human rights in junior high school operation. (1) Social change, parents' rearing attitudes and teachers' culture, are the main issues with the "personality rights" dimension. (2) Teachers' unconcerned attitude toward with public affairs is the main issue of the "working rights" dimension. (3) The policies of Administrative authorities in Education are the main issue of the "professional autonomy" dimension. (4) Competitive thought is the main problem with the "fair and equitable treatment" dimension. 10. Solving the problem of teacher's human rights in junior high school operation could be undertaken in two ways, (1) to promote teacher's mental satisfaction and (2) to improve teachers' work situation and condition. 11. Establishment and implementation of laws is the best way to protect teacher's human rights. In the end, the suggestions based on the conclusions above are made to provide references for the government, junior high schools, junior high school teachers, and future researches to improve the operation of junior high schools. Key words: teacher's human rights, operation of junior high schoolen_US
dc.subjectteacher's human rightsen_US
dc.subjectoperation of junior high schoolen_US
dc.titleA Study on Junior High School Teacher's Human Rights in Organizational Operation-The Northern Taiwan Exampleen_US


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