本研究旨在探討元智大學社團評鑑制度與社員參與滿意度之相關因素研究,以行動研究方式,藉個案學校縱貫三年的實施方案及有效問卷追蹤資料分析,探討學生參與社團滿意度的相關因素,並根據研究結果,修正為新式改良型ERG 問卷,作為未來滿意度施測時所用;同時將行動與研究相互融合,探討社團評鑑制度之適切性,以及其影響學生權利與義務等相關議題,以避免研究發現與實務應用脫節的遺憾,進而幫助個案學校瞭解社團運作特質,提出有效建議及方案,促使社團實務運作改變,以提昇輔導社團運作的功能。
(二)不同學年在社員滿意度各面向上,均有顯著差異,且以「社員面向」滿意度最高、「組織面向」滿意度最低。應對ERG 理論三個不同之層次(生存—關係—成長)與社員需求之層次(社員—工作—組織—制度),可發現社員面向應屬於基本需求層次,亦最容易被滿足,而組織面向包含領導、社團文化與形象則屬於較高之層次,因此也愈難被滿足。
(二)依焦點團體座談瞭解本校評鑑方式符合Dunkel& Schuh (1998) 歸納成功的組織評鑑標準細項標準。
The objective of this research is aimed to investigate the evaluation system of club activity at Yuan Ze University. There are three components in the current evaluation system, document management, the ability of solicit funding and the survey results of student satisfaction. A questionnaire is developed and almost one hundred club members are surveyed. These data are then analyzed and complemented with the outcome from a focused group to measure the appropriateness of the current system. Discussions on research findings and suggestions for future implementation are provided in the thesis. Since one of the major elements in the evaluation system is student’s involving satisfaction, we also try to explore the relationship between student’s satisfaction and background factors, involving factors and the ability of solicit funding. The background factors include genders, types of club activity and school years. The involving factor is the rate of participating club activity and the funding includes the financial support within the school, as well as from the general public. Almost twenty-five hundreds data were collected from year 2001 to 2004 and then analyzed with Pearson’s correlation. It is found that the student’s involving satisfaction has correlation with gender, type of club activity and the rate of participating club activity, however, the ability of solicit funding has no effects on student’s satisfaction. Based on these findings and combined with ERG theory and Dunkel& Schuh’s evaluation criteria, a new kind of questionnaire of student’s satisfaction is developed for future study.
The objective of this research is aimed to investigate the evaluation system of club activity at Yuan Ze University. There are three components in the current evaluation system, document management, the ability of solicit funding and the survey results of student satisfaction. A questionnaire is developed and almost one hundred club members are surveyed. These data are then analyzed and complemented with the outcome from a focused group to measure the appropriateness of the current system. Discussions on research findings and suggestions for future implementation are provided in the thesis. Since one of the major elements in the evaluation system is student’s involving satisfaction, we also try to explore the relationship between student’s satisfaction and background factors, involving factors and the ability of solicit funding. The background factors include genders, types of club activity and school years. The involving factor is the rate of participating club activity and the funding includes the financial support within the school, as well as from the general public. Almost twenty-five hundreds data were collected from year 2001 to 2004 and then analyzed with Pearson’s correlation. It is found that the student’s involving satisfaction has correlation with gender, type of club activity and the rate of participating club activity, however, the ability of solicit funding has no effects on student’s satisfaction. Based on these findings and combined with ERG theory and Dunkel& Schuh’s evaluation criteria, a new kind of questionnaire of student’s satisfaction is developed for future study.
社團評鑑, 滿意度, ERG 理論, Club evaluation system, student’s satisfaction, ERG theory