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校所名稱:國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所 論文題目:臺北市攤販管理政策之研究 畢業時間:2005年6月 研究生姓名:王振霄 指導教授:紀俊臣 博士 論文摘要: 「攤販」在臺北市是一個令人頭痛的市政問題,因影響交通及市容,歷任市長固然全力投入,但無法有效解決。事實上由於攤販是應民眾購物需要而形成,因此有其正面功能;在經濟方面能創造就業機會,在社會方面提供市民便利及多樣化購物選擇,所以攤販在基層商業活動已佔有一席之地,如果斷然予以取締也會產生負面影響,因此有效管理成為攤販管理重要課題。 本論文就攤販管理政策作成之理論,除對攤販問題分析、管理、評估外,並對民意在攤販形成之過程加以探討,此外,由於陳水扁市長任期內曾對91處攤販集中場附近市民進行民意調查;馬英九市長亦指示設置攤販集中場要對附近市民進行民意調查,兩位民選市長均重視民意調查,本研究除分析有關攤販民意調查資料外,並自行設計問卷,對攤販作民意調查。 在探討攤販經濟活動時,依據行政院主計處民國九十二年五月發布之「攤販經營概況調查報告」(行政院主計處,2003:4),臺灣地區291,064攤販經營全年生產總值為184,999百萬元,而臺北市為26,981攤,全年生產總值為21,527百萬元,攤販佔用公共財(巷道、人行道、騎樓)營業,足見攤販係外部成本相當高之經濟活動。目前政府相關單位的攤販管理政策很顯然未將其特有的外部成本透過內部化的過程,使攤販業者的實際營業成本充分反應其應負的社會責任。因此,可從實際狀況中發現攤販所販售的物品價格低於一般市面商品價格,攤販數則不斷的增加。本論文即根據這個理論基礎,希望透過政策的設計,儘量使攤販營業時的外部成本內部化,再透過市場看不見的手之運作,使我們社會的攤販數量減少或至少能改善其營業品質,進而創造一個完美的生活環境。 臺北市歷任市長對攤販管理均擬定攤販政策去執行,例如黃大洲市長「取締違規攤販專責會報」,陳水扁市長「攤販輔導方案」,馬英九市長「攤販政策白皮書」。本研究對其政策予以分析及比較研究。臺北市攤販管理規則是臺北市執行攤販管理法令依據,本研究對其執行情形予已檢討,並與目前制定之臺北市攤販管理自治條例比較分析。本研究並對攤販進行問卷調查,以了解攤販對攤販政策及法規意見。本研究對一些重要攤販問題以經濟原理及企業管理之作為,提出解決問題方法,例如「違規攤販取締」「攤販自理組織功能」「有證攤販管理」「攤販證核發」「攤販歲捐及場地使用費」等進行問題分析,並提出對策。根據本研究結果,最後提出研究發現與建議,對合法攤販納入正規商業體系管理,違規攤販仍應加強取締。 本研究主要結論為 一、攤販是一項外部成本相當高的行業,因此現實社會中其數量偏多,而其販售商品的價格則比一般商家來得低。然透過外部成本的內部化,則經過自由市場經濟運作,則攤販數量應可有效減少且其售價必然會上升。 二、財產權的確定是攤販外部成本內部化過程中最重要的部分。其所涉及的問題包括騎樓、巷道、人行道、及無形的環境品質由誰所有,而其所有權的歸屬並不影響最適資源配置的目標。對於財產權之界定,則可透過法令制度的設計來達成。 三、對於以租稅來課徵攤販的外部成本,需考量租稅的成本效益,特別是公平性、普遍性等問題特別重要,因此本研究之政策建議是否可行,租稅之徵收效益占有極大的成敗因素。 四、攤販在現今社會中,乃被視為弱勢族群,因此本研究各項政策建議是否能得 到民意的支持,是項關建的要素。 關鍵詞: 攤販 攤販證 攤販集中場 場地使用費 自治條例 自治組織
Name of Institute:National Taiwan Normal Universuty Graduate Institute of Political Science Thesis:The Study on the Vendors Managerial Policy of Taipei city Adiver:Chi,Chun-chen Ph.D. Graduate Student:Wang Jen-shiau Graduate Date:June , 2005 Abstract: Street vendor is a knotty civil issue in Taipei City. It influences traffic and city’s appearance. There’s been a backlash against street vendors. Former mayors tried their best but still hit pothole on road to solving this problem. Actually, vendors are formed for people’s intention to shop economically and conveniently. Not only it provides employment opportunity, it also supplies a great diversity to shop. Street vendors remain rooted in the basic level commercial activities. If the government clamp down on them absolutely would cause negative influence. Therefore, effective management becomes an important issue. This thesis is based on the theory of vendor management. In addition to analysis, management and evaluation of vendor problem, it probes into public opinions about the process of vendors’ emergence. And, former mayor Chen Shui-bian used to conduct a poll among residents in the neighborhood of 91 vendor centralization areas. Incumbent mayor Ma Ying -chiu also placed importance on public opinion poll. This topic analyses above mentioned polls and our own questionnaires. According to the“Vendors’ Operation Survey”released by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan,the total vendors’ production value is 184,999 million dollars per year in Taiwan. There are 291,064 vendors all over Taiwan.(including 26,981vendors in Taipei, with vendors’ production value 21,527 million dollars per year)They occupies streets, sidewalks and building overhangs. The external cost is pretty high. Users should pay expenses, but street vendors don’t. Therefore, their production prices are lower than others, and the number of vendors is increasing continuously. We hope to make good policies to increase vendors’ cost, transforming external cost into internal cost. Then we expect to control the quantity and quality through market invisible hand to aim at a perfect living environment The successive mayors all have their own policies to manage vendors. For example, the Sole Responsibility Bulletin of Vendors’ Ban of mayor Huang Ta Chou, the Vendors’ Counselling Program of mayor Chen Shui -bian and the White Book of Vendors’ Policies of Taipei mayor Ma Ying-chiu This research analyzes and compares above policies. Taipei Vendors’ Management Regulation is the law basis at present. This topic not only evaluates the achievement of Taipei Vendors’ Management Regulation, it also compares the present law to the Taipei Vendor’s Management Autonomous Regulation. We collected the opinions of vendors about the government’s management and offered solution. Our focuses contain clamping down on illegal vendors, function of vendors’ autonomous organization, management of permitted vendors, issuing of vendor s’ permit and tax and fair of vendors. I strongly suggest that we should protect legal vendors and clamp down on illegal ones. The chief conclusions of this thesis are as following: A、Vendors cause high external cost and the amount of vendors is way too big. We hope to make good policies to transform external cost into internal cost. Then we expect to control the quantity and quality through free economy. B、In order to transform external cost into internal cost, the confirmation of property right is the most important. It includes the ownership of streets, sidewalks, building overhangs and the quality of our environment. The ownership won’t influence the optimal allocation. We can easily define the ownership by law. C、We should consider the cost effectiveness of tax levying, especially the fairness and generality.Our suggestion is available or not depends on the tax levying very much. D、Vendors are viewed as minority group nowadays. All the policies in this thesis are strongly based on the support of public opinions. Key word: Vendor Vendor permit Fee Autonomous Regulation Autonomous organization



攤販, 攤販證, 攤販集中場, 場地使用費, 自治條例, 自治組織, Vendor, Vendor permit, Fee, Autonomous Regulation, Autonomous organization

