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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
社區為基礎的森林生態系經營包含生態、經濟、與社會面向。台灣林業經營與社會層面的原住民部落及山村社區至今尚未建立起良性互動,以致造成台灣林業經營之 社會問題,包括環保團體反對所有的森林經營作業、反對全民造林運動;另外如原住民還我土地運動、山區地方經濟衰退、地方民眾和林業機構衝突及緊張對立等現 象。本研究目的即探討六龜試驗林轄區附近的六龜鄉與茂林鄉社區林業發展潛力之差異,以及如何促進公眾參與及建立夥伴關係機制,以增進山村社區(部落)之經 濟收益及安定其生活,使地方社區(部落)與林業機構共存共榮,互蒙其利。 本研究以系統分層抽樣,完成面訪六龜試驗林鄰近的六龜鄉200 戶、茂林鄉125 戶。研究結果顯示對六龜試驗林所具有之功能,除了「水源涵養」外,在5%顯著水準下皆無顯著差異。兩鄉均顯示林業機關和社區互動往來的情況爾後尚有很大改 善空間。關於對林業人員的看法中,「對於民眾之問題都能迅速、積極處理」及「有經常舉辦活動以敦親睦鄰」二項兩鄉差異顯著。林業機關與社區(部落)互動往 來何種方式最好,兩鄉均以「提供社區(部落)工作機會」最高,反應原住民及一般民眾現實生活之需求,可供林業相關單位制定政策之參考。社區附近的森林應如 何經營才能幫助社區發展,以「發展生態旅遊」最高。社區(部落)團體何者較為合適共同參與社區林業經營計畫,以「社區發展協會」最高。林業試驗所專家之專 業知識均頗受肯定。傳統生態知識在未來林業經營之應用上很重要。
Community-based forest ecosystem management includes ecological, economic, and social dimensions. Currently, a good interaction and relationship between forestry management and local community has not been established, which has brought about many social problems. These problems include the environmental groups’ opposing all forest management practices and the National Reforestation Campaign, aborigines’ claiming ownership of the land, declining local economy in mountain areas, and increasing conflicts and confrontations between local farmers and forestry organizations. The objective of this research is to study the potential community forestry of Liu-Kuei experimental forest and design a development mechanism in order to enhance public participation and establish partnership, as well as to improve economic benefits for the aboriginal tribes for stabilizing their lives, and to obtain win-win between the local communities and the forest institutions. The research has conducted 200 household in-person interviews in Liu-Kuei township and 125 household in-person interviews in Mau-Lin township. Several important results have been achieved. First, the interaction between communities and forestry organizations still has a lot of room to be improved. Second, regarding the interaction between forestry organization and community, the option, “providing employment opportunities to the communities/ tribes,” solicits most votes, which reflects real life demand of the aborigines and non-aborigines and is worth taking into consideration for forestry policy making. Third, as for the issue on how to manage the forests around the communities in order to help community development, the option, “developing ecotourism,” has gained the highest assessment. Fourth, the community development association has received the highest evaluation as the most suitable group to participate in the community forestry program. Fifth, the expertise of researchers at Taiwan Forestry Research Institute has
Community-based forest ecosystem management includes ecological, economic, and social dimensions. Currently, a good interaction and relationship between forestry management and local community has not been established, which has brought about many social problems. These problems include the environmental groups’ opposing all forest management practices and the National Reforestation Campaign, aborigines’ claiming ownership of the land, declining local economy in mountain areas, and increasing conflicts and confrontations between local farmers and forestry organizations. The objective of this research is to study the potential community forestry of Liu-Kuei experimental forest and design a development mechanism in order to enhance public participation and establish partnership, as well as to improve economic benefits for the aboriginal tribes for stabilizing their lives, and to obtain win-win between the local communities and the forest institutions. The research has conducted 200 household in-person interviews in Liu-Kuei township and 125 household in-person interviews in Mau-Lin township. Several important results have been achieved. First, the interaction between communities and forestry organizations still has a lot of room to be improved. Second, regarding the interaction between forestry organization and community, the option, “providing employment opportunities to the communities/ tribes,” solicits most votes, which reflects real life demand of the aborigines and non-aborigines and is worth taking into consideration for forestry policy making. Third, as for the issue on how to manage the forests around the communities in order to help community development, the option, “developing ecotourism,” has gained the highest assessment. Fourth, the community development association has received the highest evaluation as the most suitable group to participate in the community forestry program. Fifth, the expertise of researchers at Taiwan Forestry Research Institute has