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翻譯研究在近數十年來有了長足的發展,就西方的翻譯理論而言,從六、七○年代的「語言學轉向」到九○年代的「文化轉向」,不僅深化了翻譯研究的討論層次,也使翻譯研究「跨領域、跨文化、跨學科」的面貌更加清晰,近來更有學者陸續提出翻譯研究的「社會學轉向」、「經濟學轉向」及「倫理轉向」,以不同的理論路徑取向豐富了翻譯研究的諸多前瞻可能性。 當前在台灣的翻譯研究,除了以翻譯做為隱喻,探討文化交流與理論旅行之外,對於台灣中譯作品實質探討仍稍嫌欠缺,證諸翻譯學者Theo Hermans、雷飛維(André Lefevere)、Anthony Pym在發展其理論時,無不援用具體翻譯事例及翻譯史上諸多譯作做為舉證,因此本研究擬就英國現代主義重要作家維吉妮亞〃吳爾芙作品過去二十餘年來在台灣的中文譯作進行剖析,以進一步深化台灣之翻譯研究。吳爾芙獨特的敘事手法及豐富詩意的語言,奠定了現代主義文學風格的基石,同時她對於女性地位與女性特質的探討,也為後世女性主義發展開啟了研究和想像的空間,這是她在歐美文學史上已蓋棺論定的地位,但譯成中文後,她的作品是如何受到台灣當代文化政治所影響、再現呢?本項研究試圖藉由雷飛維(André Lefevere)探討文學聲譽如何受到詩學、意識形態及贊助者的操縱,來檢視不同時期不同譯者、不同出版社所「包裝操縱」的吳爾芙。
Translation studies have made a tremendous progress over the past decades. In the West, scholars of this field acknowledge that the “linguistic turn” helped to shape the systematic investigation of translation activity and translation result in the late sixties and seventies. The “cultural turn” further enhanced the complexity and contextuality of translation as a process and communication in the nineties, which also foregrounded the inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural features of Translation Studies as a discipline. In recent years, many scholars also propose the “economical turn” (Martin Forstner), “sociological turn” (Michaela Wolf), or “the ethical turn’ (Anthony Pym) etc. Yet, Translation studies as a discipline still deserve more attention and research in Taiwan. If we look at theorists’ research endeavors in the West, such as Theo Hermans, André Lefevere, Anthony Pym, we’ll find that even when they focus on theoretical abstractions, they oftentimes refer to translation works and translation practice as the major source of inspiration and historical examples. In light of their contributions, this study aims at examining Chinese translations of Virginia Woolf’s works in Taiwan’s context for the past decades and inquiring how her literary fame are manipulated by poetics, ideology and patronage. Such a project is an attempt to enrich the historiography of translation in contemporary Taiwan’s cultural milieu. Virginia Woolf with her great talent as a writer and thinker has achieved canonical status in world literature. There is no doubt that she is one of the most distinguished modernist writers in the twentieth century and her works continue to impact on today’s world. Critics often praise her poetic impressionism and indirect narration to the skies. In the meantime, her concerns about women’s status and women writers’ potentials also inspire many feminists onwards. Does her work, after being translated into Chinese, also influence her Chinese readers in Taiwan in the same way as its original to her English readers? When Virginia Woolf was first introduced to Taiwan’s readers in 1960, her works were indeed seen as a stimulus to the then literary production. Not until 1990s were her works translated into Chinese in a larger scale and more acknowledged by Taiwan’s readership, yet only a certain novels were translated and in some cases, one text has three or four different translations. How did different translators of various generations interpret her works? What translation strategies did they adopt to deal with her innovative style? How did ideology and patronage help to shape/represent her image in Chinese translation in Taiwan’s context? This project aims to apply Lefevere’s theoretical framework to investigate Virginia Woolf’s translated works and shed new light on the historiography of translation in Taiwan in particular and translation studies in general.







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