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數學是教育發展的重要學科之一,主要目的是期望學生能具備良好的數學問題解決能力,強調數學思想的同時,應著重文本閱讀與計算的能力,讓抽象的數學概念廣泛應用於日常生活。長久以來,培養學生擁有數學解題能力是數學教育的重要目標,應將焦點轉向學生面對真實世界的挑戰所習得的知識技能,而非考試高分的條件,數學能力的培養,可透過數學解題的訓練,而訓練需靠策略輔助,擁有數學解題策略進行教學,學生解題能力隨之提升的同時,進而影響整體數學學習成效。 本研究開發一套「數學解題能力訓練系統」,以Mayer問題解決歷程為基礎,並以國中數學科為課程規劃,探討使用該訓練系統後對學習者之解題能力影響,並觀察實施此教學活動時,學習者解題行為的變化,從中觀察學習者的數學學習感受度,讓學習者面對學習具有積極態度的同時,進而提升整體數學學習成效。 本研究以台北市南門國中七年級四個班級與台北市重慶國中七年級三個班級之153名學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究設計,將研究對象分為兩組,實驗組為數學解題能力訓練系統,對照組則在傳統教室進行傳統數學解題教學。研究結果發現在數學解題能力訓練系統下引導進行訓練,可培養學習者更有步驟地進行解題,不但能提升情意面向,也能使學習成效及數學解題能力達到最佳
One of the important subjects of educational development is mathematics. To help students experience all kinds of questions, and develop all the knowledge and problem-solving abilities for their future career. The objective of this research is to emphasize mathematical concepts which will hope students to have read and reason ability and do any problem with the steps of solving the problem. In order to make abstract mathematical concept is widely used in daily life. Over the years, students have the ability of solving problem is an important goal of mathematics education. We should focus on real-world challenges, rather than the conditions of the test scores. Through mathematical problem solving training can enhance students' problem-solving ability, and thus affect mathematics learning. The objective of this research is to design an Internet-based learning environment for middle-school-level mathematics. The kernel of the environment will be a problem solver which will allow students to learn critical mathematical concepts by doing. In this environment the typical learning activity is a learner-centered problem-solving process. Learners may do any problem with the steps of solving the problem. The environment will provide tools to assist learners. Furthermore, the system will be capable of keeping track of the learner's problem-solving steps so it can determine the correctness of the learner's application of concepts in each step and provide hints or guidance when the learner gets stuck somewhere in the process. Findings in this study can be used as references for future development of Mathematics Problem Solving Training System. Finally the result shows: using mathematics problem solving training system, students have better learning effects and learning motivation in a computer classroom than traditional teaching mathematical problem solving in a general classroom. This study has 153 participants, who are seventh-grade students from 7 classes in one elementary school in Taipei. Based on the quasi- experimental design, the experiment progresses for two groups: the treatment group is held in a computer classroom, and the control group is held in a general classroom. Finally the result shows: using mathematics problem solving training system, students have better learning effects and learning motivation in a computer classroom than traditional teaching mathematical problem solving in a general classroom.



數學問題解決, 數學解題能力, 數學文字題, 解題習慣, 數學學習感受度, Mathematical Problem Solving, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, Mathematics Word-Problems, Problem-Solving Habits, Perception of Mathematics Learning

