

摘 要 「新藝術」風格創新又兼具美感,視覺意像純真令人感動,帶給觀者無限的視覺享受與心靈愉悅。百餘年來,「新藝術」的精神在藝術家們心中沉澱發酵,牽引著世界藝術的走向,它是人類抗拒陳舊觀念、認同新的藝術時代來臨的表徵。多數藝術家都對其心存敬意,虛心領受。 未來是重視美感與強調生活美學的世界,許多傳統藝術都不免藉助電腦,科技將是人類賴以生存不可或缺的重要元件。身為設計師應站在時代的尖端,主動積極地去嘗試接觸新科技,只有跟時代的腳步接軌,設計藝術才能永續發展。 傳統人物畫能體現中國的美學精神,與時代背景息息相關,它不但呈現當代繪畫的形式,也涵蓋了社會價值與民族思想。而較能代表中國女性的人物除了中國四大美女趙飛燕、楊貴妃、貂蟬、西施之外,還有敦煌的飛天仙女。 為符合當代潮流,本創作之基礎為以「新藝術」與「中國仕女畫」為主軸,以軟體為創作工具,嘗試以向量軟體表現國畫技法及風格。相關文獻及作品經創作者分析、內化整合後,用電腦仿製中國工筆畫,在中國仕女畫的傳統中融入西方新藝術的特質,創造中國仕女畫的新風貌。 未來台灣需要開展具本土特色的文化,創作者所做嘗試只是一個開端,設計是無限的可能,也是不可能的結合,在綿延不絕的設計思潮中,勇於創新、開拓新境,將是藝術創作者肩負的重責,也是藝術永恆生命的基石。
Abstract "Nouveau-Art" represents innovating style and aesthetic feeling. With a visual image of sentimental pureness, it brings the infinite visual enjoyment and spiritual pleasure. For hundreds of years, the spirit of " Nouveau -Art" has been fermenting in the minds of artist and has been leading the direction of world art. It features on reflecting people resisting out-of-date concept and identifying with the coming of new art era. Many artists have respectful and modest attitude toward it. The world in the future will be emphasizing life aestheticism. The aid of computer is inevitable in many traditional arts, and thus technology will be an important element on which human beings demand for living. A designer, must stay on the peak of the era, actively try to know new technology, and stay with the pace of the time, and therefore the art of design can last. Traditional portrait can represent the Chinese aesthetic spirit. It is closely linked to the background of the era and covers social value and national thoughts. Among traditional Chinese beauties, there were four main beauties, Chao Feiyen, Yang Gweifei, Diao Chan, Shi She, and the flying fairies in Dunhuang as well. To match contemporary tide, this creation bases on “Nouveau -Art” ,“Portraits of Traditonal Chinese Beauties,” and uses computer software as creating appliances, attempting to represent the skill and style of traditional Chinese painting with vector software. After the writer’s analysis, internalization and integration of related documents and works, the creator uses computer to counterfeit Chinese fine brushwork painting, fused the feature of “Nouveau -Art” with the convention of Portraits of Traditonal Chinese Beauties, and thus creates a new style. Taiwan needs to develop a culture of local characteristics. What the creator try is just a beginning. Design is infinite possibilities, and the combination of impossibilities. In the continuous trend of design, thought the braveness for innovation and the exploitation of new area will be a heavy responsibility that creators have to shoulder, and they will be a foundation of the eternal life of art as well.



新藝術, 仕女圖, 貝茲曲線, 琴絲描, Nouveau Style, Chinese Beauties, Bezier Curve, Thinnest Sketching





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