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新加坡雙語政策實施多年,為得是讓新加坡國人能 擁有至少兩種與人溝通的語言, 就新加坡華人來說第一語言 即 為官方用語「英文」,第二語言即 為母語「華語」 並為此設立 許多 推廣華語的相關機構以及政策法令,並期望可將華語教學的年齡層向下扎根,從學齡前幼兒開始培養幼兒對於母語學習的興趣,並可以穩定華語學習的基礎,做好幼小銜接的 準備。本研究之目的在探討漢字鍵接圖教學策略對新加坡學齡前幼兒的識字成效,其研究對象共有17人,並將之分為兩組,實驗組以漢字鍵接圖動畫為主,並運用自編漢字鍵接圖教案融入至3-E 教學模式進行為期八周的實驗,對照組則以一般字卡為主,並運用一般3-E 教案進行教學,最後,對於漢字鍵接圖教學的學習成果,並就形成性評量即為幼兒課堂上的作品以及兩組課後測驗、延宕測驗後之數值進行分析,並得到以下研究結果:一、 漢字鍵接圖教學策略作為教學教材可以提升實驗組幼兒之識字成效。二、 運用漢字鍵接圖教學策略為教學材料的課後測驗以及延宕測驗的結果皆優於對照組。三、 漢字鍵接圖教學策略放入3-E 教學模式之幼兒的學習成效可以圖像作品搭配文字的方式呈現。最後,根據實驗結果提出對於未來研究之建議,一為可將漢字鍵接圖融入至學齡前幼兒的華語教材,如線上教學教材、APP 開發等,二為可開發專以幼小銜接為主題之漢字鍵接圖教學課程。
The aim of this research is to explore the learning effect and Chinese characters recognition of the key-imagine strategy for preschool children in Singapore. Participants were 17 students and were divided into two groups. The experimental group which was given the course by key-imagine strategy teaching plan to integrate into the 3-E teaching mode for an eight-week experiment. The control group which was given the course by general word cards and used the general 3-E teaching plan forteaching. Finally, the learning results of the key-imagine strategy were formed. The evaluation is the analysis of children’s artworks, the two groups of test and the delayed posttest, and the research results are as follows:1. As a teaching material, the key-imagine strategy can improve the Chinese characters recognition of in the children in the experimental group.2. By the results of after-school tests and delayed tests using the key-imagine strategy as teaching materials is better than the control group.3. The learning effectiveness of the key-imagine strategy for the children in the experimental group can be presented in drawing form.Finally, based on the results of the experiment, suggestions for future research are put forward. One is to integrate the key-imagine strategy into Chinese teaching materials for preschool children, Second, it is possible to develop a key-imaginestrategy course with the theme of the connection of young children.



鍵接圖教學策略, 學齡前幼兒, 漢字教學, key-imagine strategy, Preschool children, Chinese character learning

