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自從日治時期的1925年以來,廣播在台灣一直是當政者用來宣揚國政、保衛政權的工具;日本時代如此,中華民國時代更是變本加厲。 1980年代風起雲湧的社會運動,間接打開媒體的戒嚴;廣播不僅變成異議者重要的平台,同時也是老廣播人經營電台的契機。自1993年重新開放民間申設電台迄今,已開放155間民營電台。其中,不乏申設者競相寫作具公益精神的營運計畫;然而,等拿到籌設許可,即變更設台宗旨,改採純粹的商業活動。甚至,變成購物電台或是節目聯播而實際上使其主體性消失者。 或許,電台難以避免商業活動。但是,一個擁有近200個電台的國家,卻除了公營電台外就是商業電台。而且,所謂公益遲至本文發表,亦僅模糊指涉少數族群電台或公營電台,實屬不可思議。 本文以寶島新聲電台的存在與轉變為例,設問為何堅持十年的公共性卻在立案之後消失殆盡。到底,其關鍵是往日的同志在立案後必然的同室操戈,亦或台灣的廣播環境、法律規範、政府心態的問題,或另有其他原因? 本文嘗試指出,是觀念-即是將電台當作政治工具,以及當權者讓公共性電台曝曬在商業競爭的叢林的觀念,所設下種種制度陷阱,這才讓TNT電台立案過程長達十年,耗盡自身存活的能量,並一步步將電台逼上立案、商業化思考、轉變,讓公共性消失的關鍵。同時,統治者的失誤更造成人民因爭取生存而對立。
Since the beginning of radio broadcasting era here in Taiwan in 1925 during the Japanese rule, broadcasting has always been used as a tool for official propaganda and the protection mechanism for the ruling party machine. This is especially so in the Chinese KMT rule of Taiwan after World War Ⅱ. Nevertheless, social movements and street protests in the 1980s forced the abolishment of official martial law on broadcasting indirectly. Broadcasting from then on was not only used by the opposition partisans as an effective platform of opinion expression but was also seen by some broadcasters as a good opportunity to rejuvenate their career. There are 155 newly established broadcasting stations since the lifting of restriction on application of broadcasting license in 1993. In spite of some applicants submitting managing projects with the spirit of public broadcasting, most of them change their minds after acquiring the license, and instead went into commercial broadcasting or made the channels to become joint broadcasting operations. It is nothing special to have commercial broadcasting channels, but to a society with more than 200 broadcasting stations it is incredible to have only commercial or government-owned channels while without any public broadcasting stations. Up to now, “public” broadcasting here in Taiwan refers still specifically to those minority group-centered or government-owned only. This thesis focuses specifically on TNT radio - the once most famous private-owned broadcasting channel, as a case to explore the reasons why an unlicensed public channel transformed to a commercial one after it was accepted to the official application process. Is this the outcome of internecine struggle among social movement comrades, bad broadcasting environment, flawed regulations, vicious government policy or due to other factors? The author argues that it is the ideology of the ruling regime to assume broadcasting as the exclusive political asset of their own and to put it into the jungle rule of market mechanism as well as to set up multiple systematic traps which lead to the drain off of resources and finally the demise of TNT radio. It is also the fault of the ruling regime whose policies lead to the violent conflict of the peoples.



公共廣播, TNT, 寶島新聲, 公益電台, 電台合法化, 地下電台, 未立案電台, 電台開放政策, public broadcasting service, TNT radio, unlicensed radio station





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