運用 Duolingo App 探討高中生對第二語言自我調控學習的意識與能力-以美國高中生為例
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因應新冠肺炎疫情,許多第二語言教師開始正視利用線上學習資源以加強學生在課堂外的自我調控學習(self-regulated learning)。學生自主學習能力被認為是數位時代的關鍵能力之一,對獨立和終身學習起至關重要的作用。外語教師如何透過科技輔助第二語言學習,培養並提升學生自我調控學習能力成為重要議題。本研究主要探討高中生使用Duolingo App後,對自我調控學習能力之實現程度。其次探討運用Duolingo App作為第二語言輔助學習,外語學習焦慮對自我調控學習之影響。最後探究高中生在使用Duolingo App後,是否能增強應用Duolingo App學習第二語言的自我信心。本研究以美國高中9-12年級184位,選修中文、日文或西班牙文的第二語言學習者為研究對象,進行為期八週的實驗。八週後收集Duolingo學生進度追踪數據以及問卷調查資料,隨後使用IBM SPSS 23.0 統計軟體及結構方程式VisualPLS 1.04b軟體進行量化研究分析。根據資料分析結果,(1)高中生使用Duolingo App作為第二語言輔助學習,學習者每週至少會抽出一天多的時間完成每週75點的目標點數。高中生使用Duolingo App後,自我調控學習能力屬於中等稍高水平。(2)外語學習焦慮對自我調控學習具負面影響,並且達到顯著水準。(3)高中生使用Duolingo App後,能增強應用Duolingo學習第二語言的自我信心。本研究結果提供語言應用軟體設計以及未來學術研究之參考。
In response to the COVID restrictions in school education, second language teachers have attempted to use online learning resources to enhance students' self-regulated learning outside the classroom. Student’s ability in self-regulated learning is one of the key competences in the digital age which plays a vital role towards independent and lifelong learning. It has become important for foreign language teachers to cultivate and improve students’ self-regulated learning ability through computer or mobile assisted language learning (CALL/ MALL). This study investigates the extent to which high school second language students can achieve self-regulated learning by utilizing the Duolingo App. The study further examines how foreign language learning anxiety affects self-regulated learning, and if students' self-confidence in learning a second language with Duolingo is enhanced after using the Duolingo App. The participants comprised 184 American high school students enrolled in Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish who were tested during an eight-week period. Data was collected through the participants’ progress tracking records from Duolingo Classrooms and a survey for quantitative analysis. The findings were analyzed using IBM SPSS 23.0, and a model was examined with VisualPLS 1.04b Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling.The results showed that the participants spent at least one day a week to complete the target of 75 points a week. The survey results revealed the self-regulated learning level for the participants was at the moderate-to-high level. There is a negative and significant correlation between foreign language learning anxiety and self-regulated learning. There is a positive and significant correlation between self-regulated learning and self-confidence in second language learning.
In response to the COVID restrictions in school education, second language teachers have attempted to use online learning resources to enhance students' self-regulated learning outside the classroom. Student’s ability in self-regulated learning is one of the key competences in the digital age which plays a vital role towards independent and lifelong learning. It has become important for foreign language teachers to cultivate and improve students’ self-regulated learning ability through computer or mobile assisted language learning (CALL/ MALL). This study investigates the extent to which high school second language students can achieve self-regulated learning by utilizing the Duolingo App. The study further examines how foreign language learning anxiety affects self-regulated learning, and if students' self-confidence in learning a second language with Duolingo is enhanced after using the Duolingo App. The participants comprised 184 American high school students enrolled in Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish who were tested during an eight-week period. Data was collected through the participants’ progress tracking records from Duolingo Classrooms and a survey for quantitative analysis. The findings were analyzed using IBM SPSS 23.0, and a model was examined with VisualPLS 1.04b Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling.The results showed that the participants spent at least one day a week to complete the target of 75 points a week. The survey results revealed the self-regulated learning level for the participants was at the moderate-to-high level. There is a negative and significant correlation between foreign language learning anxiety and self-regulated learning. There is a positive and significant correlation between self-regulated learning and self-confidence in second language learning.
電腦輔助語言學習, 行動輔助語言學習, 多鄰國應用軟體, 自我調控學習, 外語焦慮, 自我信心, CALL, MALL, Duolingo App, Self-regulated learning, Foreign language anxiety, Self-confidence