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旅遊行程的獨特性及多樣性,成為了旅遊消費者給予業者的一大難題。近年來旅遊相關的線上平台愈來愈多,旅遊產品不再只是傳統旅行社所推出的套裝旅遊行程,而是變成單一且零碎的旅遊活動,消費者可以依照自己的興趣,拼湊成專屬自己獨一無二的旅遊行程。因此有業者以獨特性旅遊為賣點,設計出專門販售單一旅遊活動的「目的地旅遊平台」,本研究以該平台為研究背景,採2(目的地旅遊與活動類型:高度獨特屬性 vs. 低度獨特屬性)x 2(線上評論論述品質:強論述 vs. 弱論述)x 2(促銷方式:價格促銷 vs. 非價格促銷)三因子組間實驗設計,探討三者在目的地旅遊與活動平台的環境下,對於消費者行為與態度的影響,以及感知價值在自變項(目的地旅遊與活動類型、線上評論論述品質、促銷方式)與依變項(產品態度、購買意願、口碑推薦意願)之間的中介效果。 本研究結果證實:(1)相較於低度獨特屬性的目的地旅遊與活動,高度獨特屬性的目的地旅遊與活動會使消費者產生較佳的消費者行為;(2)線上評論中,相較於弱論述評論,強論述評論會使消費者產生較佳的消費者行為;(3)對瀏覽弱論述線上評論的消費者而言,採用價格促銷,消費者在產品態度與購買意願上會有較佳的行為;(4)對瀏覽強論述線上評論的消費者而言,低度獨特性的目的地旅遊與活動,採用價格促銷,消費者在產品態度與口碑推薦意願上會有較佳的行為;(5)感知價值在目的地旅遊與活動、促銷方式與消費者行為之間具有中介效果,在線上評論論述品質之間則無。
The uniqueness and diversity of tourism itineraries have become a major problem for consumers in the tourism industry. In recent years, tourism online platforms keep expanding rapidly. The travel products are no longer just travel itineraries package launched by conventional travel agencies but become a single and fragmented travel activity. The consumers can choose and combine their unique travel itineraries according to their interests. Consequently, some businesses use unique tourism as a selling point to design a "local tour platform" that specializes in selling single tourism activity. This research utilizes this platform as the research background with two (Tours and activities type: high-unique tours and activities vs. low-unique tours and activities) x two (Argument quality of online reviews: strong argument quality vs. weak argument quality) x two (Promotional strategies: price-oriented promotions vs. non-price-oriented promotions), these three factors between-subject of experimental design was conducted to observe if the compatibility among tours and activities type, argument quality of online reviews, and promotional strategies could affect consumer behavior and attitude. Besides, it also tends to examine if the perceived value arbitrates the relationship between tours and activities type with consumer behavior, argument quality of online reviews with consumer behavior, and promotional strategies with consumer behavior. The result of this research shows that:(1) compared to the low-unique tours and activities, high-unique tours and activities leads to a better consumer behavior; (2) compared to the weak argument quality, strong argument quality in the online reviews leads to a better consumer behavior; (3) concerning weak argument quality in online reviews, the usage of price-oriented promotions will have better behaviors on product attitude and purchase intention; (4) with regard to high argument quality in online reviews and low-unique tours and activities, the usage of price-oriented promotions will have better behaviors on product attitude and word-of-mouth intention; (5) perceived value is a significant factor mediating the relationship between the tours and activities with the consumer behavior, so do the promotion strategies and the consumer behavior. However, there is no significant factor in resolving the relationship between the argument quality of online reviews with consumer behavior.



目的地旅遊平台, 目的地旅遊與活動, 獨特性, 線上評論, 論述品質, 促銷方式, 推敲可能性模式, 感知價值, Local tour platform, Tours and activities, Uniqueness, Online reviews, Argument quality, Promotional strategies, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Perceived Value





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