Ideology and the Problem of Race in Huckleberry Finn
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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
馬克吐溫的<<頑童歷險記>>展現了作者一貫的幽默、詼諧的敘述風格。在其輕鬆的文字中,卻暴露了嚴肅的種族歧視和不當意識形態充斥的社會問題。透過宛若流浪者角色的主人翁哈克,讀者不難理解種族間的偏見之形成、傳遞、默守的動機與危機。 本文第一部份藉由作者描繪的白色族群的思考和行為模式背後所承載的偏見,進一步探討美國立國精神中標榜的『平等』原則和其執著的『白種優越』之間的矛盾。第二部份則將重心置於哈克一角,他和社會的疏離及其得以游離社會規範的”特權,”使他成了”顛覆” 偏見的良知。透過哈克的人道情懷,我們對於人心的良善和偏執會有更深的體會和反省。
Twain's Huckleberry Finn, in its appearance of humor and light-heartedness, displays the serious problem of ideology/false consciousness and racism. Through the picaresque hero Huck is exposed a society permeated in a strong prejudice and misled by its sense of superiority. The first section of this paper aims to explore the circumstances of a racist society, as revealed in Twain's characterizing the majority of the white, and the contradiction between the superior white and its hard-striving ideals of humanity and equality. And the second part will mainly focus on Huck as an alienated character and his poteniality to set social conventions at defiance as a subversive hero. Huck's ostensible "subversion" unravels the problematic ideology of the racist white and gives an insight on the absurdity of an over-reaching pride and prejudice.
Twain's Huckleberry Finn, in its appearance of humor and light-heartedness, displays the serious problem of ideology/false consciousness and racism. Through the picaresque hero Huck is exposed a society permeated in a strong prejudice and misled by its sense of superiority. The first section of this paper aims to explore the circumstances of a racist society, as revealed in Twain's characterizing the majority of the white, and the contradiction between the superior white and its hard-striving ideals of humanity and equality. And the second part will mainly focus on Huck as an alienated character and his poteniality to set social conventions at defiance as a subversive hero. Huck's ostensible "subversion" unravels the problematic ideology of the racist white and gives an insight on the absurdity of an over-reaching pride and prejudice.