高中職學生的飲食異常傾向、 羞恥感與自我揭露之相關研究

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本研究旨在探討高中職學生之飲食異常傾向、羞恥感和自我揭露的相關性,以及羞恥感在飲食異常傾向與自我揭露間的中介效果。研究方法為問卷調查法,問卷包含「飲食態度量表」、「羞恥經驗量表」、「自我揭露量表」和「體型自我揭露量表」,並採便利取樣,向臺灣地區北部及南部共六所高中職學生進行施測,總計回收478份有效問卷。依研究假設,將問卷調查所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析、積差相關、典型相關、二系列相關、迴歸分析與Sobel test進行統計分析並考驗研究假設,主要研究發現為: 一、9.1 % 的高中職女生與 2.9 % 的高中職男生為飲食異常高險群。整體而言,臺灣地區有 6.5 % 的高中職有罹患飲食疾患的可能。高中職學生以行為羞恥感最高,其次依序為性格、身體與飲食羞恥感。 二、高中職女生在飲食異常傾向、為飲食疾患高危險群的可能性、性格羞恥感、行為羞恥感、身體羞恥感、一般自我揭露與體型自我揭露皆高於男生。三年級學生較常向一、二年級者談論自己的體型。中社經地位學生之一般自我揭露高於低社經地位學生。 三、高中職學生之BMI值與其性格羞恥感、身體羞恥感、飲食羞恥感與整體羞恥感為正相關,和體型自我揭露則為負相關。 四、 飲食異常傾向與羞恥感間有為正相關,尤其是身體和飲食羞恥感,且飲食異常傾向和一般自我揭露及體型自我揭露亦為正相關。 五、羞恥感和自我揭露間的存有一組典型相關,此關聯性主要反映在身體羞恥感、行為羞恥感、性格羞恥感與體型自我揭露之間。 六、羞恥感在高中職學生之飲食異常傾向與自我揭露間並無顯著中介效果。 本研究最後依據上述研究結果加以討論,並針對高中職輔導工作及未來研究提出具體建議,以供專業輔導人員及未來研究者參考。
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among disordered eating attitude, shame, and self-disclosure in senior high school students, and the hypothesis that shame acts as a mediator between disordered eating attitude and self-disclosure. The total of 478 senior high school students completed the questionnaire including EAT-26, Experiences of Shame Scale, Self-Disclosure Index, and Self-Disclosure about Body Shape. To test the hypotheses, the data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi square test, one-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, canonical correlation, biserial correlation, regression analysis, and Sobel test. The results were as follows. 1. 9.1 % female students and 2.9 % male students are at the risk of having eating disorders. Overall, 6.5 % senior high school students show a high level of concern about dieting, body weight or problematic eating behaviors. Besides, they experience behavioral shame the most, then characterological shame, bodily shame, and shame around eating. 2. The female students have higher possibility of disordered eating, characterological shame, behavioral shame, bodily shame, general self-disclosure, and self-disclosure about body shape. Furthermore, the third-grade students talk more about their body shape than the first- and second-grade ones do. Last, the middle socioeconomic status students have higher general self-disclosure than the low socioeconomic status ones. 3. The students’ BMI is related positively to their characterological shame, bodily shame, shame around eating, and total shame, but negatively to self-disclosure about body shape. 4. The scores of EAT-26 is positively related to shame, especially to bodily shame and shame around eating, and to general self-disclosure and self-disclosure about body shape. 5. There is a canonical correlation between shame and self-disclosure, contributed mainly from bodily shame, behavioral shame, characterological shame, and self-disclosure about body shape. 6. Shame is not a mediator between disordered eating and self-disclosure. Based on the findings listed, implications of this study were discussed, and suggestions for the helpers and the further researcher were proposed.



飲食異常, 羞恥感, 自我揭露, disordered eating, shame, self-disclosure

