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本研究認為組織領導者的領導意識對於組織發展,扮演著舉足輕重的角色,領導者的領導力展現,著實影響組織的發展方向。本研究利用荒野保護協會的案例,探究該組織的領導意識與組織發展的過程關係,提供給其他環境取向非營利組織作為參考,期望此類型之非營利組織能夠永續經營。 經過文本分析與深度訪談分析結果,歸納本研究重要之結論如下: 一、 團隊領導有助於組織內部溝通與組織永續 二、 僕人領導的真誠態度讓組織成員更願意接受領導者的帶領 三、 獨特的荒野文化支撐荒野保護協會的願景 四、 順應社會環境發展讓核心領導意識能夠自然轉化 五、 創新外部連結達到組織的獨特性 研究者根據研究分析、結論,作出以下針對環境取向非營利組織領導的實務運作提出以下建議: 一、 發展團隊領導的運作機制 二、 建立良好的組織文化以支撐組織願景 三、 透過外部連結以創造組織獨特價值 四、 組織變革應順應自然 五、 領導意識中加入整體思維
This study thinks that leaders’ conscious plays a pivotal role in organizational development, how leaders show their leadership affect the organization’s development. In this study, the case of the Society of Wilderness, explore the relationship between organization’s leadership conscious and organizational development process to other environmental non-profit organization as a reference orientation to sustainable development. After analyzing text and the result of interviews, this study summarizes some conclusions as follows: 1. Team leadership helps to organize internal communication and organizational sustainability. 2. Servant leadership’s sincere attitude makes members of the organization more willing to accept the leadership of the leader. 3. The Unique organizational cultural support the Society of Wilderness’s vision. 4. Orientating to social environmental development make the core leadership conscious natural transformation. 5. Innovative External links help to make the organization unique. According to the analysis and conclusions of this study, this thesis propose following recommendations for environmental NPOs: 1. To develop a system of team leadership. 2. Establish a good organizational culture to support the organization’s vision. 3. Create unique value of organization by expanding external links. 4. Organizational change should be in harmony with nature. 5. Add the concept of holism into the leadership conscious.



非營利組織領導, 領導意識, 團隊領導, 道家思維, 組織發展, NPO leadership, Leadership conscious, Team leadership, Taoism, Organizational development

