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本研究主要目的是以一個學習成就表現良好的特殊境遇家庭學生為對象,了解其學習經驗。本研究採用訪談、觀察及文件分析等質性研究的方法,對研究現場的情境做相關資料的蒐集,並透過對資料的描述、分析和詮釋等方式,真實的呈現研究現場的情境意義,得到個案特殊境遇學生在學校的學習經驗、子女的學習教養及社會資本運作上的幾項重要結論。 壹、 社會資本為影響個案特殊境遇學生學習經驗的重要因素 貳、 社會資本能擴充個案特殊境遇的人力資本,使其面對子女的學習與教養問題時,發展出自我的教養策略,並擔負起親職教育功能。 參、 研究參與家庭的父親在各項資本的投入上,具有關鍵性的影響力。 肆、 家庭社會資本除能中介人力及財務資本投入子女的學習外,同時能創造人力資本,並且彌補財務資本的不足。 依據研究結論,提出幾項建議: 壹、 對特殊境遇家庭政策 一、 肯定特殊境遇家庭成員本身的能力,協助其擴充自我各項資本。 二、 以財務資本弱勢的立基點,提供公平友善的補償教育。 貳、 對特殊境遇家庭教育 一、 對特殊境遇家庭的教育措施,應加強對社會資本的經營能力。 二、 重視特殊境遇家庭社會資本的培養,彌補人力與財務資本的不足。 參、 對特殊境遇學生教育 一、 重視來自不同背景學生的學習經驗,並尊重學生主體。 二、 鼓勵子女對學業成就保持高度的抱負水準、企圖心與行動力。 肆、 研究限制與未來研究
This study aims to explore the school learning experience of a special situation family of their child, who shows good performance in schooling achievement. In order to meet our purposes, a qualitative research approach using observations, interviews, and document analysis was adopted, and related data was collected a priori. Intending to present the a priori situation of the research, by way of describing, analyzing, and interpreting the data collected, finding the school learning experience of a special situation family of their child、with regards to the aspect of education on the children and family social capital manipulation. I. The learning experience of the special situation family of child in this research is mainly affected by the social capital invested. II. The social capital expands the special situation family human capital, facing when children's study and education question develops the self-education strategy and the duty education function. III.Research participation family father in each capital investment has the crucial influence. IV. Inaddition to intermediating human efforts and financial capital in the child’s learning, the social capital invested by the family can simultaneously create human capital and offset the deficiency of financial capital. The study proposes the following suggestions based on the findings: I. Government Policy toward Special situation families 1. Encourage and assist the members of special situation families to develop their capability and all kinds of capitals. 2. Offer fair and friendly compensatory education based on their need of financial capital. II. Education for Special situation families 1. Increase the ability of social capital management of special situation families. 2. Pay attention to their social capital development to make up for the deficiency of human capital and financial capital. III. Education for Children in Special situation families 2. Value different learning experiences of various backgrounds and respect individual student. 3. Encourage these children to be positive, aggressive, and active toward school achievement. IV. Limitations of the Study and Avenues for Future Research



特殊境遇家庭, 學習經驗, 家庭社會資本, learning experience, family social capital, special situation family

