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「那卡西」緣起於溫泉,在熱愛泡湯的日本殖民文化下興起,更在1960至1980年代,因台灣經濟起飛而被推上最高峰,卻在多元娛樂文化的興起及廢娼政策下,受到影響而進入式微期。那卡西,日文「流(なが)し」(nagashi),意思是有如水流動般的行業,走唱於各旅館、酒店間。新北投地區擁有溫泉,平埔族應是最早知道溫泉的存在。1697年,郁永河來台勘察硫磺礦,在今天的新北投大磺嘴一帶找到硫磺坑,但只有開採硫磺來用,卻對溫泉視為是毒水。直到日本殖民台灣,發現新北投豐富的溫泉資源,開始對北投的溫泉的重視並進行開發建設,方才促進北投溫泉文化的發展和興起。 新北投地區因日本人帶來溫泉泡湯文化,所產生文化變遷帶動北投溫泉產業興起,譜出那卡西文化的誕生,從此為台灣溫泉文化展開新面貌。並譜出美妙的新文化樂章,經濟產業因而興盛、變動,並牽引出北投那卡西文化。 本研究主要以文化、經濟、政治的各種不同角度分析那卡西在台灣社會之變遷、興衰;探討那卡西如何伴隨溫泉文化而生,如何共同創造迷人的溫泉鄉文化,又為何走向沒落。歷經歲月、社會的變遷,那卡西已不再如往日般燦爛輝煌。 雖然本研究有關那卡西的相關文獻史料稍嫌薄弱,但筆者仍透過1.曾經從事那卡西的相關業者2.地方耆老訪談3.收集並找尋與溫泉或那卡西相關的博、碩士論文、期刊,和專書作為研究基本素材,並整理對照進行交叉分析。以期了解那卡西在台灣社會之變遷、興衰之因素;喚起地方政府再度重視那卡西文化,讓豐富的溫泉資源文化繼續發光茁壯。
"Nakashi" originated from the hot springs, bathing in the love of the rise of the Japanese colonial cultures, but in the 1960s to the 1980s, Taiwan's economic take-off and brought to the peak, and the rise of entertainment culture in the diverse and "Prostitutes" policy, affected by the decline of and into the local culture, the decline and depression, people may feel the helpless. Nakashi, "flow し" flow (な が) レ in Japanese, meaning there is a flow like water industry, involves singing in the hotels, the hotel rooms. New Beitou area has hot springs, the plains should be the first to know the existence of hot springs. 1697, Yu Yonghe Taiwan sulfur mineral exploration, in today's new found along Beitou Takuangtsui sulfur pit, except for sulfur mining purposes, but the hot springs has been considered a "poison water." Until the Japanese occupied Taiwan, the discovery of new rich in hot springs, Beitou, Beitou hot springs started to attention and the development and construction, it would only promote the cultural development of hot spring and rise. New Beitou hot springs region caused by the Japanese culture, promote cultural changes arising from the rise of Beitou hot spring industry, to compose "Nakashi culture" of the birth of the hot spring culture in Taiwan from launching a new look. And the spectrum of a wonderful new culture movement, which flourished economic sectors, changes, and pulling out the culture of Beitou that dance with “Nakashi”. This research focuses on cultural, economic, and political point of view of the different "Nakashi" in Taiwan society changes, the rise and fall. Of "Nakashi" How to with "hot spring culture" from? How to work together to create a charming spa town culture? Why a declining? After years of vicissitudes, social change, "Nakashi," not as brilliant as past. Although this study related documents and historical materials “Nakashi” is rather poor, but the author still Through 1. Have been engaged in the industry “Nakahi” 2. Local elder 3. Collect and find that with the spa or related repository “Nakashi, periodicals, and books as a research base material, and organize cross-comparison analysis. In order to understand "Nakashi" in Taiwan society changes, the rise and fall of the factors. Local Government attaches importance to arouse the Beitou "hot spring culture" and "Nakashi," the two cultures, together to create a place in the miracle, rich hot spring resources will continue to thrive light, another spring to promote economic industry.



北投, 溫泉, 那卡西, 樂師, 走唱, Beitou, Hot Springs, involves, singing, Nakashi





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