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敘事曲(Ballade) 的形式早在中古時期就已出現,最早與舞蹈、音樂、文學等都有密切的關係。經過長遠的發展與演變,漸漸提昇其藝術價值,十九世紀更於浪漫樂派發揚光大。 蕭邦(Frédéric Chopin, 1810-1849)是首創將敘事曲的概念運用於鋼琴的音樂家,其四首鋼琴敘事曲,充滿著戲劇性的音樂張力與抒悄性的詩情畫意,融合歌唱性旋律與舞曲性節奏,發揮和聲的色彩性與體裁的獨創性,為十九世紀的鋼琴音樂,建立重要的里程碑,也影響著當代及後代的音樂家。 本論文將深入研究蕭邦第一、二、四號敘事曲,包括創作背景之探討、音樂結構之分折,以及演奏詮釋上之建議。第一章說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法,第二章闡述敘事曲的發展及蕭邦敘事曲的特色,第三章至第五章分別將三首敘事曲進行深入的研究,包含創作背景、音樂風格分析、及演奏上的詮釋;第六章為結論,將三首敘事曲之音樂特質作一簡潔的歸納與整理。
“Ballade” has been existing since the Middle Ages. It has a close relationship with dance, music, and literature at the beginning, and gradually enhancing its artistic value after its long-term development and evolution. “Ballade” was firstly used to be a piano piece and became a Romantic genre in the nineteenth century. Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) was the first composer in applying the term “ballade” to piano works. His four piano ballades contain dramatic tension and lyrical poetry, blend with singing melodies and dancing rhythms, and elaborate harmonic colors. The ballades have not only set a milestone to piano music in the nineteenth century, but also influenced composers after Chopin. In this thesis, I would respectively describe the compositional background, analyzing the musical structures, and offering performing ideas of Chopin ballade number 1, 2, and 4. The first chapter explains methodology of writing this paper; the second chapter introduces the development of the ballade and characteristics of Chopin’s four ballades. From the third to the fifth chapters, I would focus on the interpretation of these three ballades, and the sixth chapter is the conclusion.



蕭邦, 敘事曲

