我的時尚派對 - 高瑾繪畫創作研究

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本論文是作者以「時尚」為研究主題的創作論述。時尚是一個虛幻名詞,常常與實體的服飾結合,而被「框架」在服飾的範疇裡。本論文以時尚形而上意識形態的社會現象,加上時尚形而下的實踐藝術的構成因子,加以研究分析,綜合時尚框架中藝術與文化社會內涵探究。內容包含時尚藝術元素、時代社會發展脈絡等之文獻蒐集,以及「框架」研究創作,聚集時尚、框架、符號、圖像、單色之個人藝術繪畫創作。在第一章緒論中闡述了研究內容動機及目的和限制,並將本文的重要詞彙加以定義。第二章文獻與學理基礎。首先將本論文主題「時尚」做一個內容的說明,再搜集相關文獻來詮釋時尚藝術之社會性、藝術性的內涵。時尚社會性的內容以藝術社會學的文化菱形理論作為架構。研究內容包括符號學、圖像學、關係美學,時尚品牌價值等論述。時尚藝術性文獻包括,新藝術、裝飾藝術、普普藝術、單色、挪用等,最後探討框架理論,涉及框架內外場域、框架與畫框、框架與權力。第三章創作理念,在文獻和學理基礎搜集整理後,加上個人對當今21世紀時尚文化觀察,首先以當代的時尚品牌與相關藝術家、公私立美術館合作之互動案例介紹、研究,綜合說明當今時尚框架內外的社會性與藝術性,在全民美學與藝術生活化正向的貢獻,驗證時尚藝術打破服飾框架與當代的藝術社會緊密結合,為大眾創造美的生活藍圖。第四章創作內容、形式及技法。第五章,作品解析。第六章,結論。本論文除了整理歸納個人創作之理念研究心得與成果,也說明時尚藝術社會符合藝術生活化、生活藝術化,提升全民美學,更藉由研究時尚藝術性元素,成就個人時尚創作。誠如時尚女王香奈兒(Coco Chanel)的名言:「你只活一次,必須盡可能活得精采。」,期許自己能在日後創作上有所突破與繼續發展。
The thesis aims to discourse on "fashion". Fashion is an illusory term, often combined with clothing, and is "framed" as apparel. The thesis employs the social phenomena of the metaphysical ideology of fashion, plus the constituent factors of the practical art of fashion to explore, analyze, and synthesize the connotations of art, culture, and society within the frame of fashion. It contains elements of the art of fashion, the social developmental context, literature review, plus physical "framed" creations which combine fashion, frames, symbols, images, and personal monochromatic paintings.The introduction explains the motivation, purpose and limitations of this study, and defines the important terms mentioned in the thesis. Chapter 2 discusses the literature and theories on which this thesis is based. It begins by articulating the reasons for choosing "fashion" as the topic of this thesis, then moves on to conduct a literature review to interpret the social and artistic connotations of fashion. The social connotations of fashion are based on the cultural diamond theory in art sociology, including semiotics, iconography, relational aesthetics, and fashion brand value. The artistic connotations of fashion include literatures on art nouveau, decorative art, pop art, monochrome, appropriation, etc. It goes on exploring the framing theory, involving fields inside and outside the frames, frames and picture frames, and framing and power. Chapter 3 describes my artistic statement. After conducting a literature review and a conceptual review, plus personal observations on fashion in 21st century, it introduces and examines the cases of contemporary fashion brands interacting with related artists, and public/private art galleries. It also synthesizes the current sociality and artistryinside and outside the frame of fashion, and the contributions of fashion to civic aesthetics and living aesthetics. In addition, it verifies that the art of fashion breaks the frame of apparel and is closely integrated with the contemporary art society to create a blueprint for civic aesthetics. Chapter 4 indicates the contents, forms and techniques of my creations. Chapter 5 interprets my creations and the final chapter draws out conclusions. In addition to collating and summarizing the concept study and results of my creations, the thesis shows that the fashion art society conforms to the notion of "Art is life and life is art" and civic aesthetics. It also demonstrates the fashion creations I accomplished by studying the elements of the artistry in fashion. As Coco Chanel said, "You live but once; you might as well be amusing", I’ll strive to make a breakthrough and evolve in my future creations.



時尚, 框架, 文化菱形, 新藝術, 單色繪畫, fashion, frame, cultural diamond, art nouveau, monochrome

