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Department of Adult and Continuing Education, NTNU


本研究是以大臺北區成人職業進修班教師為研究對象,進行教學型態及其相關因素之研究。旨在探討成人職業進修教育教師的教學型態趨向,及影響其教學型態形成之相關因素,提供大臺北區成人職業進修教育機構的師資聘用和培訓,以及協助教師瞭解自身角色與態度,做為改進教學之參考。研究的進行,首先自有關文獻及相關研究的探討著手,分析教學型態的意義、分類與內涵,探究影響教學型態之相關因素和理論,並進一步就教學型態之相關研究進行探討與瞭解,以作為本研究的理論基礎。其次,對教學型態的相關量表進行探討,一方面參考國外學者的研究工具,針對國情發展出「教學型態問卷」;一方面探討相關理論、文獻,發展出「成人學習知識問卷」與「教師角色知覺問卷」,作為本研究問卷之工具。研究對象以 21 所包括臺北市成人職業進修班、北區職訓中心和財團法人等辦理成人職業進修教育單位之成人教育教師為主, 採問卷調查方式進行,共得有效樣本 241 份,將調查所得資料以次數分配、百分比、重複量數單因子變異數分析、費雪爾式 LSD 法事後考驗, 皮爾森積差相關、點二系列相關、多元逐步迴歸分析、區別分析、徑路分析等統計、分析和討論之後,得到下列結論:一、大臺北區成人職業進修班教師教學型態以「折衷型」取向者最多。二、大臺北區成人職業進修班教師在教學型態七個層面中,以「評估學生需求」較不受重視。三、大臺北區成人職業進修班教師對「成人學習原理」、「成人教學原理」和「兒童與成人教學之差異」的相關知識頗為不足。四、大臺北區成人職業進修班教師對「學習者中心概念」和「對成人學習者的感受性」兩層面的角色知覺程度,仍待加強。五、「教師角色知覺」是影響成人職業進修班教師教學型態的最重要因素。六、「任教年資」係影響成人職業進修班教師教學型態的重要因素之一。七、對大臺北區成人職業進修班教師教學型態的影響因素,包括「性別」、「年齡」、「最高學歷」、「任教科目」、「任教年資」、「有無一般教育任教經驗」、「成人學習知識」、「成人教育教師角色知覺」等。根據上述研究結果,本研究提出幾點建議以供參考:一、對成人職業進修教育教師之建議(一)瞭解自己的教學型態偏好,並發展「學生中心」教學型態。(二)重視「評估學生需求」,作為「學生中心」型態教學之基礎。(三)加強對「學習者中心概念」和「成人學習者的感受性」兩層面的角色知覺。(四)充實「成人學習原理」、「成人教學原理」和「兒童與成人教學之差異」的相關知識,以促進「學生中心」教學型態的形成。二、對辦理大臺北區成人職業進修教育機構之建議(一)鼓勵成人教育教師發展與採用「學生中心」的合作教學型態。(二)提供成人教育教師成人教育專業訓練。(三)建立成人教育教師網路資源工作站,並開設「成人教學論壇」。(四)委託各大學之成人教育研究所或成人教育中心設立成人職業進修教育培訓中心,專門負責師資培訓規劃、教學研究與評鑑事宜。
The purpose of this study was to describe the factors related to the teaching style preference of the teachers of the Taipei Adult Vocational Education Extension Services(TAVEES). The findings of this study can be used to asist the teachers in the orgnization to understand their personal teaching style, role perception and adult learning knowledge, and help them to improve their teaching. The finding can be used to aid administrators to develop some policy to increase the teachers personal and professional ability. A census was conducted using 21 TAVEES organization (n=251). A mailquestionaire was administered. The usable response rate consisted of 241 respondents. The measurement tool of Principles of Adult Learning Scales (PALS) was modified from Conti to measure teacher's teaching style preference as either "teacher-centered" or "learner-centered". The independent variances included: (1)teacher's knowledges of adult learning, (2)teacher's role pereception, (3)gender, (4)age, (5)highest educational degree, (6)major program area of teaching, (7)number of years employed, (8)teaching experience of pedagogy. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Stepwise Multiple Regression was used to determine the best predictor(s) of the dependent variable. Discriminant Analysis and Path Analysis were used to do further statistics. The results indicated that TAVEES teachers:(1)possess a scores on PALS between "teacher-centered" and "learner-centered". (2) have the lowest sccores on "Assessing Studen t Needs" factor in the seven factors that comprise the PALS. (3)exhibit a low level of knowledge of "adult learning","adult learning" and "the different teaching between children and adult" dimensions. (4)need to inforce their role perception on the dimensions of "learner-centered concept" and "sensitivity of adult learner". The results also demonstrated that:(1)the teacher's role perception is the most important factors of the teaching style preference as measured by PA


