

現代奧林匹克運動會之運動商業化研究 博士論文 2006/06/12 研究生:洪煌佳 指導教授:王宗吉 摘 要 運動商業化是促使現代運動適應社會潮流的重要關鍵,亦是資本主義社會多元綜合的產物,而象徵全球運動領導地位的現代奧運會,在資本主義氛圍發展下亦朝向極致利益追求的運動商業化發展。因此,探究此一發展的社會結構將是理解運動商業化的試金石,並可作為運動組織發展運動商業化的重要社會脈絡與條件參酌。所以,本研究旨在透過社會進化論、運動的社會結構等立論鋪陳,加諸相關文獻進行同時性與異時性分析,以針對現代奧運會運動商業化的社會結構互動發展進行爬梳與論述。研究結果發現四項結論如下: 一、現代奧運會運動商業化可分為萌芽期(1896~1972)、成長期(1973~1984),及成熟期(1985~)等三期的發展階段。 二、現代奧運會運動商業化的社會結構關係不斷地受到政治、經濟、文化,加諸在國際奧會相關運動組織需求調整等社會力的交互主導而推動運動商業化改革。 三、現代奧運會運動商業化在經濟方面的獲益,不僅提升運動組織本身的自主性,並帶動舉辦國家的經濟發展,更帶動全球運動賽會朝向企業化、科學化、普及化、制度化、菁英化等發展。 四、現代奧運會運動商業化結果,使得相關組織需要針對運動政治化的擴張、過度商業化的危機、高貴與流俗的運動文化,及運動組織的隱憂與挑戰等進行反思與因應。 關鍵詞:奧林匹克運動會、運動商業化
A Study on the Commercialization of Sport within the Modern Olympic Games Ph.D. Dissertation, 2006 Student: Hung, Huang-Chia Advisor: Wang, Chun-Chi Abstract The commercialization of sport is not only a key factor to accustom the modern sport to the society, but also a outcome of the capitalistic society. In the same way, the modern Olympic Games played a major paradigm within the sport or society and intended to pursue the commercial benefits. The aims of the study were to analyze the social structure of the sport commercialization within the modern Olympics. Using the methodology of structural functionalism, documentary analysis, and synchronic and diachronic analysis the study would discuss the structural relationships among organization, politics, economy and culture of sport commercialization in the modern Olympics. The results of the study are concluded as follows: 1. Three stages of the development of the modern Olympics’ sport commercialization were identified as embryonic stage (1896~1972), growth stage (1973~1984), and maturity stage (1985~). 2. The organizational, political, economical, and cultural power have reciprocally predominated the structural relationship of the modern Olympics’ sport commercialization, and have changed the needs of the related organizations of International Olympic Committee, thus have driven the revolution of sport commercialization. 3. The strengths of the modern Olympics’ sport commercialization were not only to help the development of the host community, but also to push the development of global sport forward. 4. The modern Olympics’ sport commercialization should pay attention to the problems about political hegemony of sport, over-commercialization of sport, sport class, and annoyance of sport organization. Keywords: the Olympic Games, the commercialization of sport



奧林匹克運動會, 運動商業化, the Olympic Games, the commercialization of sport





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