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教科書常隱含階級意識型態,國中教師依賴教科書進行教學的程度普遍偏高,但教師多未察覺教科書中所隱含之意識型態的內涵。國中國文教科書的文本連結著學生的生活經驗,教師在面對特定意識型態時如何轉化,成為影響學生價值觀的重要因素之一。本研究旨在分析教科書中的階級意識型態,並探討教師對教科書中意識型態之知覺與轉化情形。為達上述目的,本研究採內容分析法、觀察法與訪談法進行研究。內容分析,以質、量兼具的方式,對H版國中國文教科書第一至六冊進行分析,將階級意識型態分為「職業階級」、「家庭生活型態」二個層面;透過觀察與訪談法暸解教師對於教科書文本的理解、詮釋與轉化,以及如何在課程實施中呈現。根據研究結果,提出以下四項結論: 一、教科書中「職業類別」以中上階層為主,且出現之職業名稱較中下階層多元,提供給學生透過教科書認識不同階層職業及工作內容之機會不均衡。 二、教科書中對中下階層家庭生活型態之描述較為匱乏,與個案教師所教導之多數學生實際上的家庭生活經驗有極大的落差。 三、教師過去的師培過程及教學經驗未能使其覺察意識型態之存在,後因參與共同備課而知覺教科書內之階級意識型態。 四、教師過去經驗導致其對於階級意識型態極少進行教學轉化;參與共同備課後,教師課程轉化之方式愈趨多元,並透過教學活動平衡教科書中偏頗之階級意識型態。 最後,本研究針對在職教師、師資培育機構、教科書編輯與審查及未來研究者等分別提出建議,作為後續推展與研究之參考。
Class ideology is often embeded in textbooks in junior high schools. Teachers in junior high schools often rely on textbooks to conduct the teaching process. However, teach-ers are generally not aware of the ideological problems implied in the textbooks. The texts of the Chinese textbooks are connected to the students' life experience, and how teachers transform in the face of specific ideologies has become a crucial factor that affects students’ values. The purpose of this study is to analyze the class-consciousness ideology in textbooks, and to explore the process of teachers' perception and transfor-mation of ideology in textbooks. To achieve the purposes of the research, this study adopts a content analysis method via observation and interviews. By analyzing the first to the sixth volumes of junior high school Chinese textbooks of the H version, both qualitative data and quantitative data are collected in implementing the content analy-sis method. The class-consciousness ideology is divided into two levels: “classes of occupations" and "types of family life " through observation and interviews to explore teachers' comprehension, interpretation and transformation of textbooks and how to present in the implementation of instruction. According to the results of the research, the findings are as follows: 1. The " category of occupation" in the textbooks is mainly based on the upper and middle classes, and there are more variety of occupation names appearing than those of the lower and middle classes. Then, the opportunities for students to understand the occupations and job of different classes from textbooks are decreased. 2. The description of family life patterns of the middle and lower classes in the text-books is relatively rare, and most of the middle and lower classes are presented in the humble characters serving the upper middle class. 3. The teachers’ past teacher training programs and previous teaching experience failed to make them aware of the existence of class-consciousness ideology. However, after participating the collaborative lesson preparation, teachers perceive the class –consciousness ideology. 4. Owing to teachers’ past experience, it is rare for teachers to conduct curriculum transformation of class consciousness ideology. From their participation in collabora-tive lesson preparation, teachers have become more and more diversified, and the bi-ased steps in textbooks have been balanced through teaching activities. In summary, the results of the research suggested for in-service teachers, teacher train-ing institutions, textbook editors and future researchers as references for follow-up de-velopment and research.



階級意識型態, 教師知覺, 教學轉化, 共同備課, Class Ideology, Teachers’ Perceptions, Pedagogical Transformation, Collaborative Lesson Preparation

