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本研究旨在探究臺北市國小教師實踐教師專業學習社群與認知教師組織公民行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項的受試者於量表得分的差異情形,再探討兩變項間的相關性與因果關係。本研究採取混合研究方法,首先以問卷調查臺北市立國小主任、組長、科任與導師共690位,並回收有效問卷471份,再以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關法與迴歸分析法進行統計分析;其次根據統計分析結果設計訪綱,訪問臺北市立國小主任、組長、科任與導師共6位。 本研究結果如下:
The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of elementary school teachers in Taipei City regarding their practice of professional learning community and perception of organizational citizenship behavior. The study aims to discern the discrepancies that different variant conditions bring forth and to analyze the correlation within them, as well as to explore the possibility of assessing organizational citizenship behavior through the practice of professional learning community evaluation. It also seeks to examine the differences in scale scores among subjects with different backgrounds and analyze the correlation and the causal relationship between the two variables. This study employed a mixed-methods approach. Initially, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 690 directors, section chiefs, subject teachers, and homeroom teachers across Taipei City elementary schools, yielding 471 valid samples. Data analysis was performed using T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Based on the statistical results, interview outlines were formulated, and a total of 6 participants, including directors, section chiefs, subject teachers, and homeroom teachers, were interviewed.The findings of this study are as follows: 1.The overall state of practice of professional learning community among elementary school teachers is above average, with various challenges and corresponding strategies. 2.Among elementary school teachers, all aspects of practice of professional learning community are above average, with “supportive and shared leadership” scoring the highest, while “shared teaching practices” and “shared vision” scored lower compared to other aspects. 3.The overallstate of perception of organizational citizenship behavior among elementary school teachers is above average, with various challenges and corresponding strategies.4.Among elementary school teachers, all aspects of organizational citizenship behavior are above average, with “courtesy” scoring the highest and “school identification” scoring the lowest.5.Senior or administrative elementary school teachers demonstrate better practice of professional learning community.6.Senior, administrative, or experienced elementary school teachers have a better perception of organizational citizenship behavior.7.Elementary school teachers’ practice of professional learning community has a direct correlation with their perception of organizational citizenship behavior.8.The three aspects of practice of professional learning community that positively predict perception of organizational citizenship behavior: “supportive and shared leadership,” “colleague trust,” and “collective learning.” “Supportive and shared leadership” is the most influential predictor.9.The two aspects of practice of professional learning community that do not predict perception of organizational citizenship behavior: “shared teaching practices” and “shared vision.”Reviews and conclusions may serve to provide recommendations for educational authorities, school administrative teams, elementary school educators, and future research.
The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of elementary school teachers in Taipei City regarding their practice of professional learning community and perception of organizational citizenship behavior. The study aims to discern the discrepancies that different variant conditions bring forth and to analyze the correlation within them, as well as to explore the possibility of assessing organizational citizenship behavior through the practice of professional learning community evaluation. It also seeks to examine the differences in scale scores among subjects with different backgrounds and analyze the correlation and the causal relationship between the two variables. This study employed a mixed-methods approach. Initially, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 690 directors, section chiefs, subject teachers, and homeroom teachers across Taipei City elementary schools, yielding 471 valid samples. Data analysis was performed using T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Based on the statistical results, interview outlines were formulated, and a total of 6 participants, including directors, section chiefs, subject teachers, and homeroom teachers, were interviewed.The findings of this study are as follows: 1.The overall state of practice of professional learning community among elementary school teachers is above average, with various challenges and corresponding strategies. 2.Among elementary school teachers, all aspects of practice of professional learning community are above average, with “supportive and shared leadership” scoring the highest, while “shared teaching practices” and “shared vision” scored lower compared to other aspects. 3.The overallstate of perception of organizational citizenship behavior among elementary school teachers is above average, with various challenges and corresponding strategies.4.Among elementary school teachers, all aspects of organizational citizenship behavior are above average, with “courtesy” scoring the highest and “school identification” scoring the lowest.5.Senior or administrative elementary school teachers demonstrate better practice of professional learning community.6.Senior, administrative, or experienced elementary school teachers have a better perception of organizational citizenship behavior.7.Elementary school teachers’ practice of professional learning community has a direct correlation with their perception of organizational citizenship behavior.8.The three aspects of practice of professional learning community that positively predict perception of organizational citizenship behavior: “supportive and shared leadership,” “colleague trust,” and “collective learning.” “Supportive and shared leadership” is the most influential predictor.9.The two aspects of practice of professional learning community that do not predict perception of organizational citizenship behavior: “shared teaching practices” and “shared vision.”Reviews and conclusions may serve to provide recommendations for educational authorities, school administrative teams, elementary school educators, and future research.
國小/國民小學, 教師專業學習社群, 混合研究法, 組織公民行為, Elementary School, Mixed method research, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Professional Learning Community