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本論文以苗栗縣銅鑼武聖宮為研究對象,藉由文獻探討與田野調查,呈現此客家社區的特性,並得知供奉關聖帝君(恩主公)的武聖廟為鄉民及社區的信仰中心。銅鑼武聖廟創建於1844年,為銅鑼古廟之一,背倚新街、面對阡陌,坐西向東,為一單進雙護龍的合院建築,原址在福興村的銅鑼老街。1935年大地震,廟殿倒塌,於是暫奉聖像於天后宮。1950年由仕紳劉俊秀等發起籌建委員會,善士李安五捐獻地基,旋即鳩資建廟。 武聖宮常年祭祀活動由市區之銅鑼村、福興村、朝陽村三村居民負責籌辦,如每年的恩主公聖誕祭典、祈福、酬福和酬神大戲活動,但從未舉辦普渡活動。武聖宮保存具代表性的對聯與楹聯,其中,對聯是文學形式的一種,上聯和下聯的字數必須相等,上下聯對應部分詞類相同,且平仄相對。楹聯是刻寫在牆柱上,又稱對聯,象徵儒家思想,傳統社會禮制正統與地方文化有互動關係,說明儒家禮制在地方有著深遠的影響,但地方文化也影響著儒家價值的表現方式。 本論文研究的主要成果,筆者參與銅鑼武聖宮整年的祭典活動,訪談的對象為武聖宮管理委員、耆老及信眾,銅鑼的客家人除了關聖帝君「大眾老幼良福」儀式外,及媽祖和玉皇大帝為崇拜對象的「天神良福」儀式,呈現銅鑼客家信仰的特色。又將武聖宮內的十三首楹聯,詮釋成白話文,並詳細標示出對聯平仄的對應關係,以詮釋其深遠之意義。 關鍵字: 祭祀圈,武聖宮,恩主公,對聯,銅鑼
Abstract The subject of the study was the Wusheng Temple in Tongluo Township, Miaoli County. The characteristicsof the local Hakka community were investigated through literature review and field survey, and it was found that the local Wusheng Temple of which the main deity is Holy Emperor Lord Guan (Enzhugong) was the religious center of the local residents and community. The Wusheng Temple in Tongluo Township was established in 1844, and it is one of the local old temples. With paddies in front and the new street in back of it, the temple faces towards the east. It is a heyuan style building consists of 1 danjin structure and 2 hulong structures. The original site of the temple is on the Tongluo Old Street in Fuxing Village. The original temple collapsed in a great earthquake in 1935, and the statue of the main deity was temporarily moved to a Mazu Temple in the neighborhood. In 1950, the committee for rebuilding the temple was founded by a gentleman named Junxiu Liu and others, and a religious person named Anwu Li contributed the land for the rebuilding. Soon after that, the budget for rebuilding the temple was gathered by contributions, and the temple was thus rebuilt at its current location. The regular religious events of Wusheng Temple, including Enzhugong's birthday celebration, praying for blessing, thanking for blessing and the operas performed for deities, are all planned and executed by the residents in Tongluo Village, Fuxing Village and Zhaoyang Village together. However, the event of Pudu has never been held here. There are representative antithetical couplets and yinglians conserved in the Wusheng Temple. Antithetical couplets belong to a form of literature. The pair of lines of poetry must have the same number of Chinese characters, and the lexical category of each character must be the same as its corresponding character. In addition, the tone pattern of one line must be the inverse of the other. Yinglians, which are sometimes also called antithetical couplets, are inscribed on the walls and pillars of the temple, showing Confucian thought. It can be seen from the interaction between traditional social and ethical norms and local culture that Confucian ethical norms has a profound influence in the local community, but the local culture also influences the way of representation of Confucian values. The key results of the study are described as follows. The author participated in all religious events held at the Wusheng Temple in Tongluo Township. The interviewees were comprised of the members of Wusheng Temple Management Committee, local seniors and believers at the temple. The Hakka people in Tongluo Township not only hold the "Dazhong Laoyou Liangfu (blessing for all people)" ceremony with Holy Emperor Lord Guan as the main deity, but also hold the "Tianshen Liangfu (blessing from the heavenly god)" ceremony with Mazu and the Jade Emperor as the main deities, showing the characteristics of the belief of the Hakka people in Tongluo Township. The author also translated the 13 yinglians in Wusheng Temple into modern written Chinese versions and marked the correlations concerning the tone patterns of the lines in the antithetical couplets in order to provide interpretation for the deeper meanings in them. Keywords: ritual Community, Wusheng Palace, Enzhugong, Couplet,Tongluo.



祭祀圈, 武聖宮, 恩主公, 對聯, 銅鑼, ritual community, Wusheng palace, Enzhugong, Couplet, Tongluo

